Q&A with Barb and Debriefing the Branding Journey
About the episode:
Last week was our capstone episode where Barb and I wrapped up her branding project on the podcast. This week, which was two weeks after I gave her all the branding files, we had a chance to sit down and discuss how implementing the brand has been going, such as in her website and Canva. Barb shares openly with things that she found helpful and things that she had to work through. We discuss the feeling of credibility and authority that comes with a new brand. The episode concludes with answering 3 questions on the rebranding process, including duration of a rebrand, the nervousness in sharing the rebrand journey, and the decision to hire out for branding. And Barb shares her thoughts on when you should outsource this.
Implementing branding into a website and Canva can be done in a few hours or a day, depending on the complexity of the project.
Creating a checklist and prioritizing tasks can help streamline the implementation process.
Using theme customization and CSS can make it easier to update colors, fonts, and navigation across a website.
Templates in Canva can save time and provide a consistent look and feel for graphics.
A new brand can give a business more credibility and authority.
The duration of a rebranding process can vary depending on the scope of the project.
Sharing the rebrand journey openly can provide valuable insights for others considering a rebrand.
Hiring a professional for branding can save time and ensure a custom and professional look for a business.
About Barb and free resources
Barb Davids is an SEO and content marketing consultant and owner of Compass Digital Strategies. Driven by data and analytics, she works hard to get business-changing results for her clients, such as 256% more website traffic and 22% more leads. In her spare time, she and her dog Stone run and travel around the US.
Barb’s new podcast Small Business Sweet Spot
Learn more about RuthAnn’s branding services
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