Squarespace Template Relaunch - Save $4k on Your Website Design

About the episode:

Today, I’m thrilled to announce the relaunch of my Squarespace Template Shop and share a little BTS and a special offer for you as a listener of the show! Whether you’re looking to start from scratch or revamp an existing site, I'll share essential tips on achieving a designer website without the hefty price tag. I will also cover the top five factors that make a website practical without sacrificing beauty and/or branding and explore how you can implement these with ease using my newly designed templates. These templates are perfect for anyone who feels their website isn’t quite hitting the mark or those just starting. This episode will guide you through boosting your online presence efficiently and affordably. Tune in to transform your digital space and make your website your hardest-working employee!



  • A BTS of the exciting relaunch of my Squarespace Template Shop

  • Tips for getting a high-end website look without the high-end price

  • Five key factors that make a website truly compelling and engaging

  • The significance of keeping your website up-to-date with modern standards

  • How templates can be a cost-effective solution for a professional online presence

  • A highlight of some of the new templates in the shop, their key features, and knowing if they are right for you




  • Hey friends, welcome to another episode of Rebrand with Ruthieanne. Today is a very exciting episode because today's the day I'm relaunching my Squarespace template shop. And I'm gonna talk about that and why I'm so excited about it, why I'm relaunching the shop and all that. But before I go into that, we are talking about how you can save money on your website design and five key factors that go into an effective website design. And I'm also gonna be sharing some highlights of the templates that I just am so excited about. I can't wait for you to check these out. But yeah, so today we're talking about website templates and how you can save money getting a really designer look site and how to make your website more effective and all those things. So I'm so excited to dive in. And if you don't have a website,

    This episode is going to be perfect for you. If you have a website but you aren't in love with it, this episode is also going to be so good for you. And if you have a site that you love that's working, this episode can still be useful because I'm sharing just things that go into an effective website design that is always beneficial. It's always nice to get a little refresher and a review for like what can make your site really effective and do the things you want it to do like signing in more clients. So let's dive in to today's episode. So the first thing is I'm going to be talking about how you can save money on a website design. So the thing is, okay, hold on.

    So firstly, I'm gonna kick off with five key factors that go into an effective website design. And I think for the flip side of this, like there's a lot of things that can go wrong with your website design. So I'm not gonna talk about like the negatives so much as I'm gonna talk about the positives, but it's really important that your website is working for you all the time. I always say like your website should be your number one employee and it should be working for you all the time. If someone finds you on Pinterest, they find you on Instagram, they go to your website, your site should be working for you, showcasing the authority that you have and really giving you that credibility to command the prices that you want. So five different things that go into a really effective website design. Number one, creating a clear customer journey.

    I cannot tell you the amount of sites I've been on, because I do bring the website assessments for people. You know, whenever people get on a discovery call, I'm checking out their site and everything. And the amount of people who do not have a clear customer journey would, maybe it wouldn't surprise you, but as a website designer, I feel like I am a little surprised because the customer journey should be extremely clearly laid out. You should be showing people exactly where you want them to go.

    And if a site is not doing that effectively, it's really confusing the person who's coming to the site because they just, they're not really sure where to go. They're not really sure how to find the information they need. And so I think number one with an effective website design is you need a really clear customer journey so you don't lose people when they first come to your homepage. Number two, your site needs to have organization. And this kind of goes along with number one, but...

    If your site is feeling confusing to you and hard to navigate, then your potential clients are probably feeling that way as well. And I recently was on a discovery call and they're like, I just feel like it's really confusing and hard for people to navigate. And I'm like, if you think that and you're the business owner and you laid out everything, just think about how hard your ideal client might be having a hard time.

    just think about the hard time your ideal client might be having. So I think having organization, it just leads to a better customer experience, which leads to all good things. Because when a client or a potential client has a really good experience with you online, they're more likely to trust you, they're more likely to book a call with you, but if they can't find what they're looking for, they're confused about where to go, they're probably not gonna reach out, or they might go find someone.

    Who has everything that's laid out in a more easy to digest way, in a more clear way, in a more compelling way? So I think that is a really important factor is making sure there's organization in your site. Number three, modern design that leads the client through the site. So when I'm saying modern design, I think you can tell those sites if you've been on someone's site and it just looks so dated, it looks like it hasn't been touched in years.

    I think that is something that can really be a deterrent to people who come to your site. Not only is it not really engaging or exciting to click around through, people might not even want to click through, it just is bad for SEO if someone comes to your site and then leaves right away. That increases your bounce rate, which is never a good thing. So you want people to stay on your site as long as possible. You want people to be clicking around through your site. And when you have a modern design that's really designed to have people move through your site, click from one page to the next, click through testimonials, you know, that kind of thing, the more you can have people do that, the better it is for your SEO and the better it is for the client experience as well. The fourth thing that goes into effective website design is effective copywriting.

    And I think this is such an important factor that I don't want to skip over it without mentioning it because I think copywriting the words on your website play such a crucial role in the effectiveness of your website. So if you have never hired a copywriter or if you've never worked with a copywriter on your website and you're just winging it and you're just hoping for the best, I think there's always so many ways you can improve your site just when it comes to the copy alone. So I think that's something I needed to add in here because that is extremely effective when you have a really good copy. And number five, strong imagery and branding. I think this is also incredibly important to have an effective website because people nowadays, they want to be entertained. They want to be impressed. People's expectations are very high when it comes to your online presence or checking out someone's website or having their experience on your mobile or someone's mobile experience on your website. It's really important that your imagery and your branding is top level just so people can expect.

    Because when your imagery and branding is top level, people can expect that from you in your services. And when you are an expert in what you do, then you can deliver at that same level. So things are kind of on the same level. So if they come to your site, they have an incredible experience on your website alone, then they can expect that same level from you when they go through your services. And it makes for the client experience to be even throughout, if that makes sense.

    And so that is an important aspect as well when it comes to an effective website design. So let's recap the five things really quick and then we're gonna talk about how you can get all this at an affordable price. Okay, number one is creating a clear customer journey. Number two, organization in your site. Number three, having modern design that leads the client through the site. Number four, effective copywriting.

    And number five, strong imagery and branding. All of these things make a really successful website that people will not only want to check out and look at and click around, but they will probably inquire and be interested, especially if they're an ideal client and they're reading through your copy and they're really recognizing their need of your services and all that kind of thing. So having all of these pieces work together in harmony is the best way to have a website that's really working for you all the time. So how can you get all this with an affordable price tag, you might be asking. So if, you know, for me as a website designer, I do have packages that have a big kind of range depending on how big your website is.

    But for most people, websites can range if you're hiring a website designer. They can range from 3 ,000 to 10 ,000. It really depends on what type of designer you're working with, if they're including SEO, if they're including copywriting, if they're including a lot of different things. And so there's quite a big range. But for the most part,

    You can, websites are on the average like 4 ,000, 4 ,000, 5 ,000, 6 ,000, like in that range, like four to 6 ,000 is pretty standard if you're getting a website design. And the best way that you can get what you need with saving some money is getting a website template. And all of these things I just talked about that create a really effective website design are all the things I implemented into my new templates that I'm so excited to share with you about. But, you know, I really worked hard to create a clear customer journey. There's organization throughout, even though there's a lot of content. There's modern design. There's copywriting prompts. I will say that the site is written for someone in mind so they can plug and play their own copy and imagery and stuff. But I do have really good prompts that help you. see, oh, this is where I can put this type of sentence. This is where I can put this type of call to action or something like that. So the site is really laid out in a really effective way so you can put in your strong copywriting. And then finally, really strong imagery and branding. These templates are really beautiful. And I'm honestly so excited about how they look. They look so good. And they're really engaging. And I'm just really excited to offer this in a new way because these SquareSpace, because these templates are at a fraction of the price of a custom site. So if you don't know, which I'm sure you do, but if you don't, a website template means that you're purchasing the template and then you are the one who has to put in all of your copy, your photos your branding. So the site is given to you as is and you use that as like a roadmap for this is how I can lay out my own site and you put in everything yourself. So that is why there is such a reduced price tag on these is because you do you do because the designer has done the heavy lifting but then you're the one who puts in everything for the site.

    So why am I relaunching my template shop? When did I even launch my template shop? Let's talk about that for a quick minute. So I first launched my template shop, I think it was back in 2019. It was a while ago and if we're doing the math, that was five years ago and I think it was, yeah, in that vicinity, four or five years ago.

    which is kind of a long time and I was not very confident in it. I did it because I wanted to have a passive stream of income but I don't think I was quite ready to market it I guess because the problem is if you put something out there and you're not very excited about it, you're not gonna market it, you're not really gonna show up for it. I did this little baby launch and you know.

    To give you the real honest truth about it was I didn't sell any. I did not sell any templates and I was kind of bummed, of course. I mean, anytime you put something out into the world and you don't get a good reception, I think it's easy to feel a little bit defeated or like, oh, shoot, I wonder why that didn't work. And so for me, because I didn't get any validation in terms of sales,

    I just kind of retreated, I think is how I would say it. It just made me not as excited, I guess, to market it, to sell it, to sell my templates. And I had them on my website for a long time, for years I had them on there. And then slowly but surely I kind of put them to the footer and then I just took them off the footer and they were just nowhere to be found. You could still find them because I had some blog post linked to them.

    And so people still found them on Pinterest and stuff, but it was not something I was marketing. It was not something I was really excited to market. And it was just one of those things where I just personally, I don't think I was ready, even though I did all the things and I designed the templates and stuff. I just feel like I personally was not ready maybe to dedicate the time I needed to. And honestly,

    Five years ago, I was not as good of a designer as I am today. So, you know, I've been doing this since then. I've been working with dozens and dozens of clients and lots of websites and lots of brands. So I've my skill set has definitely improved. And so now I'm at a point where I'm so excited about this and relaunching the two templates that I launched with back then. I revamped those.

    One of them is basically unrecognizable. The other one is similar to how it was in the beginning, but I just gave it a little refresh. And then I came out with a new one. So we have three templates in my shop now that I'm so excited about. And I think that this time around why I'm so excited about it is because this I just feel like now is the best time for me in my life, in my business to have this other stream of income to really like focus on this, to really focus on promoting it. And I feel really confident in my skills as a designer as well, which honestly plays a big role. If you're really thrilled with the product and you can't wait to share about it, I just feel like you show up with different energy and stuff. So I'm at a good place in my skill set, in my experience level, like designing something that I'm really proud of. And putting it out there and selling it and stuff. And also, I'm sure many of you know this, but I am pregnant with our third and I'm due in just a couple months. And so it's a good time because I would love to have this passive stream of income. Well, I don't really believe in passive streams of income, but it's semi -passive stream of income where it's sitting there and I need to update it from time to time. But it's, anyway, and we'll go into that right now.

    But I have this little passive stream of income that's there. It's just another revenue stream. And if I can make some sales while I'm at a maternity leave, I would be thrilled. And so it's just one of those things where it's like, this is a great time for me and my business and my skillset. And yeah, I'm just so excited about the design and how I married strategy with just the elevated look of all these templates.

    And I really can't wait for you to check them out. So let me go over the three templates that I have in the shop. And then obviously I would love for you to go check them out. But they are. So the three templates I have is , and I like that I named them the names of colors. And so hopefully if I come out with more templates in the future, which is the plan that, you know, I'll just have.

    the whole rainbow of colors and they'll be really fun names. So let's start with Champagne. Champagne is a website template that was . So it's perfect for service -based business owners, coaches, consultants, photographers, designers. The style of this template is edgy, sleek, and bold.

    The pages are very eye -catching and they're great for the business owner who wants to make a splash and who's just very confident and showcases their personality. It's a very strong design. This template has a lot of versatility and it showcases client reviews and testimonials really well. There's a lot of different options for sharing testimonials and stuff.

    And there's a really strong use of imagery. So if you have amazing brand photos, this would be awesome for you. It would be so good. The template includes a blog, a portfolio page, and two different service page options. And obviously it has the about and the contact and that kind of thing. It has like all the regular pages, but some of the key highlights are the blog.

    The portfolio and the two service page options. So champagne is a really beautiful bold one and it's, yeah, it's really, I would love for you to look at it. So that's a little bit about champagne. So let's go to the next, let's go to the next template design, which is pine. Pine was created with a wedding florist in mind and so it's a mix of moody and airy,

    Feminine and romantic and it's a really inviting template and it's perfect for service -based business owners who want to lead a client through a really beautiful online experience it includes a shop page and three separate service pages and This template is really perfect for florists calligraphers wedding industry professionals photographers designers or anyone who has like a really

    a really beautiful brand and they really want to showcase something in a really lovely upscale sophisticated type of way. And the final template is Mint. Mint is created with a health and wellness coach in mind and it is friendly, energetic, calming, fresh, inspiring. This is the most colorful template out of all of them and it's perfect for the bubbly business owner who wants that friendly, colorful site. It has an e -commerce aspect. It includes a blog. It has two different service packages and a podcast page. So these templates are really created with someone in mind, like someone who is in their business. They're really growing in their business. They maybe started out DIY, but they're wanting to kind of up -level and get that next level design. And so these are such good designs for those people who want to step into that next level self and have a really beautiful representation online. For the Mint template, it's perfect for those in the health and wellness space. If you're a coach, consultant, a fitness instructor, if you're a VA or an OBM. So there's just a lot of options when it comes to these templates and how you can use them and who they're perfect for. And, you know, obviously I can give you recommendations of what I think who they would be great for, but you should be the judge. I would love for you to check these out and see which template fits right with your brand and personality best. So these templates are designed in the Squarespace platform. And I have a couple episodes past where I talk about why Squarespace is the platform I recommend out of other Squarespace.

    I have a couple episodes, I have a couple past podcast episodes of where I'm talking about which website platform is a great fit for you and why I recommend Squarespace. So you can go check out that episode back in the archives. We will link to that in the show notes. And then there's another episode. Let me see if I can find it really quick. Where I talk about re, no, let's see.

    There's another past episode, I think it's episode number 14, where it's upgrading your Squarespace website to get better results and why it's time to shift from 7 .0 to Fluid Engine. So these templates are all designed in Fluid Engine, which is another reason I wanted to relaunch my templates was because a few years ago, they didn't come out with Fluid Engine. Fluid Engine just came out a couple years ago. So I'm really excited to have these in the Fluid Engine.

    design and space. So people, it's just so much more easy to input your copy, to input your photos, branding. They've really done a great job with Fluid Engine. And so there's just a lot more design and capabilities. And so all of these templates are in the Fluid Engine editor. And so you're able to, yeah, really easily input all of your own items. So we talked about...

    Why I'm relaunching the shop, we talked about what goes into really effective website design, how these templates are all created with that in mind, and why now is such a good time to invest in.

    And I would love to talk about why now is such a good time to invest in a website template. Because the truth is, nowadays you just won't get the type of traction you're looking for if you don't know what... If you look like you don't know what you're doing online. And it's true that people are really turned on or off by first impressions. If someone comes to your site and they are really...

    turned off, like sometimes it's hard to win them back, or sometimes it's hard for them to take you seriously or see you as credible. And so it's really important to have a website that really reflects you and your expertise well. And another thing is like having a site that's average or mediocre or just plain bad is not going to cut it when you're wanting to raise your prices or get those high level features or if you're wanting to come out with, you know, a lot of different.

    other avenues for your business, like a podcast or a course or something. If your core website is not set up the way it should be, like leading your customer through a journey and helping people navigate through all your different offers, it's not gonna work if you're just adding on and adding on. You really have to have something that's clear, easy for people to navigate, effective, and all of those things.

    And templates are a really affordable option to get that custom look without the custom price tag. And I mentioned this before, but custom sites can start at 5 ,000 and just go up from there. And templates are a fraction of the price and they're easy to use. They're easy to update with your own branding and photos and having a roadmap for how to have a really effective site.

    So I really truly believe that these templates are an amazing alternative to custom design and they're great for the newer business owner or for the business owner who wants expert design and wants to set it up themselves or the business owner who wants to save money and implement all their items themselves. And so these templates are created with that same amount of intention and strategy but for a fraction of the price like I've been mentioning.

    They are just $499 and you can get that expertly designed site and easily implement everything. Something I forgot to mention is these sites have no code involved, so they are just beautiful. You don't have to worry about coding. You don't have to worry about if, you know, something breaking. If you do something wrong with the code, these are no code templates and everything that you need. I also provide the Campo graphics. If I have them in the site, they are

    in there as well. So you have access to all the things to make this site really custom and beautiful. And we also have a website refresh add -on, which means we here at our art space transfer your site over and input everything for you. So there's a lot of options when it comes to saving money and also getting that designer level site. So I am so excited. Thank you so much for.

    Listening to the end of this episode. I would love for you to check out these Templates you can go to our art space comm slash shop to check them all out And I really hope you find one that works best for you. Whatever if you are in those stages Okay, hold on let me review that ending part

    So you can check out all of the templates and see which one is best for you by going to rartspace .com slash shop. And you can take a look at the three templates we have for sale. And I would love for you to, you know, reach out and ask questions if you have them or just purchase them and get started on your beautiful designer site right away. This is such a good time to, you know, really have the website that you have been wanting.

    and get it at a really affordable rate. And you can also have us help you implement everything if you need help there. So like I mentioned, there are so many options and I really hope this is a great benefit to you wherever you're at in your entrepreneurial journey, wherever you're at in your website journey. I hope this episode was really helpful, gave you some great ideas for how to make your website more effective. And like I said, I would love for you to check out the templates.

    And if you are on something I wanted to mention is if you are on the wait list for the templates, you do get a special discount. So make sure to check your email for that because you have that discount in the first 10 days of the launch. So you can use that as well to get in even more to get an even bigger discount on the already, you know, affordable website templates. So thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for checking out the templates.

    I can't wait to hear what you think and I will talk with you next week.

RuthAnn Rafiq

Passion for art, design, people and intentional connections.


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