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Posts on a variety of topics from rebranding to website design, to building a business to mindset to strategy, with a dash of my personal entrepreneurial journey and more! Dive in.
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3 Reasons Why Squarespace is Perfect for Your Coaching Website
When people ask when the best time is to get their website updated, my answer is “yesterday.” Your website is your home base, where people find out about you and your services, where they fill out your contact form, schedule discovery calls with you, and book your services. Your website needs to be firing on all cylinders to be doing what it’s supposed to be doing which is make you money.
5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Web Platform for Your Coaching Business
Even before I launched my business out into the world in 2016 I spent countless hours trying out different web platforms to see what would work best for me. While the time I put into researching platforms and trying them out was useful, it took up A LOT of time and if I could go back I would do things differently so I could save myself from the confusion and headaches.
Your Checklist for Hiring a Designer
Branding your business, or setting up your website is a big undertaking and finding the right person to help you bring your vision to life is no small task. That’s why I’m excited to share several things you can do to make the process easier - AND you can start NOW, rather than down the line when you want your website up next week.
Boost SEO with 10 Proven Ways
Back in the day, growing your SEO sounded like something you needed to hire experts for. It was that mythical, vague thing that happens only if you have the right support, and enough money.
3 Reasons Why Fall is the Best Time to Refresh Your Website
Have you noticed that one year in an online business is like three years in the outside world? It’s true! If you’re new to the online space that may come as a surprise. But if you’ve been here awhile you’re probably nodding along with me. Things move quickly online and that’s why a year can feel like a reeeaaalllllyyy long time. And if you’re in the online business world for more than five years you can feel ancient! (I know I do! Especially talking about how blogging used to be back in 2016).
How to Start the Branding Process
Does the idea of reworking your website or sitting down to Canva to create an opt-in seem completely overwhelming? I understand the feeling. Making a huge improvement in our small business behind the scenes can seem so huge and so daunting that what can end up happening is putting your own small business on hold, and deciding you’ll get to it “one day.”
A Side-by-Side Comparison of Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1
During the last several years, Squarespace introduced an updated version of their interface, 7.1 and they made so many significant changes, the only way to update your current Squarespace site is to start over from scratch on the new version.
4 Ways to Make Your Brand Unique Before Investing
Not everyone is ready to invest the big bucks for branding their business, especially when you're just working to get a consistent income stream. And I totally get that. That's why I've created a little round-up of practical ways you can make smaller investments to hold you over until you can brand professionally.
5 Effective Ways to get More Website Traffic
We all want more traffic to our website. Perhaps it’s to get more loyal readers to our blog, or sell the products in the shop, or get more inquiries with our services. And the truth is, in order to get our business to where we want it we need more people coming to our site to view what we have to offer.
5 Surprising Benefits of Blogging
Blogging is kind of like exercising. It’s a great for your business’s overall health and has some surprising benefits that you may not know about. While I’ve been consistently blogging for over a year I still don’t consider myself a blogger. I just view blogging as a way to keep my business healthy, moving forward and further establish my expertise.
3 Website Mistakes That Might Be Driving Customers Away
For a lot of us, our website is the gateway for people to hire us. It’s our welcome mat, inviting people into our “shop” or our space so they can view our products, services, get to know us, see our work, and (hopefully) hire us. But what if…