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Posts on a variety of topics from rebranding to website design, to building a business to mindset to strategy, with a dash of my personal entrepreneurial journey and more! Dive in.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

9 Years in Business: 3 Transformational Truths I Wish I Knew Sooner

I can hardly believe it—this year marks nine years of running my business! It’s been a journey full of highs and lows, lessons learned the hard way, and growth beyond what I ever expected. And if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that time truly flies when you're building something you love.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Barb’s Rebranding Journey

Ever since I started my podcast back in September of 2023, I wanted to have a mini series documenting my client’s rebranding journey from start to finish; a true behind-the-scenes peek of each one of our calls and sharing what goes into making branding decisions from the client and designer perspective. Well that dream has finally come to fruition! In episodes 24–27 of the Rebrand with RuthAnn podcast!

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Tell Tale Signs You’re Ready for a Rebrand

As a small business owner, your brand and online presence is a crucial asset that represents your business, expertise, and your values. Over time, there may come a point when your brand no longer aligns with your goals, target audience, or desired positioning. Recognizing the signs that indicate you're ready for a rebrand is a super important when you’re ready to take your business to the next level.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Understanding the Difference: Rebrand vs. Brand Refresh

In the world of branding, the terms "rebrand" and "brand refresh" are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion among coaches who are looking to elevate their online presence. Which is totally understandable! The two are thrown about all the time as the same thing, but it's important to understand that these two concepts represent distinct approaches with different and unique outcomes.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

6 Ways a Rebrand Can Catapult Your Business

Your brand is a powerful tool that can either attract or repel potential clients. In today's constantly evolving digital world, where first impressions matter more than ever, having a strong and cohesive brand is crucial for success. If you find yourself facing these certain pain points (that are hindering your growth) it may be time to consider a rebrand.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

How to Repurpose Quality Content

Discover how to maximize your content's potential and reach a wider audience by repurposing your valuable assets. From identifying evergreen content to creating visual assets and crafting engaging social media posts, learn the art of strategic repurposing.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

How to Manage Urgent vs Important Tasks

As small business owners and entrepreneurs, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the never-ending list of tasks that need to be done. We often focus on the urgent tasks that are right in front of us, such as sending the follow ups, scheduling a call, connecting with a client, getting to inbox zero. And while these tasks are urgent they might not be the most important ones or get us closer to our long-term goals.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

5 Things to Do After a Slow Season in Business

I know, *gasp* we’re only supposed to be talking about - or hearing everyone talk about - 10k months and 5 figure launches, but can we be real too? While those things are wonderful, sometimes the life of an entrepreneur has ups and downs. Great months, and not so great months… and in my life as a business owner, I’ve had my share of great AND slow months.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Growing vs Scaling

Growing and scaling a business can be challenging, but essential if you want to build a successful enterprise. Understanding the difference between growing and scaling is key to knowing how to move your business forward.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Why You Should Be On Squarespace 7.1

Are you using the old version of Squarespace? If so, you’re missing out on some amazing features that can instantly elevate your design and style. From an expansive color palette to an entire font pack, Squarespace has made significant updates to its platform with the goal of creating a more user-friendly experience that delivers powerful results.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Why You Need a Website Refresh

Your website is often your first impression to potential customers. It's also where people can connect with you, understand your services, and be converted from on-lookers to active participants and clients. If your website is outdated, doesn't reflect your current offerings, or is just collecting dust, it's time for a redesign.

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Business, Personal RuthAnn Rafiq Business, Personal RuthAnn Rafiq

2022 Year in Review

It’s that time of year when I love looking back on the past 365 days analyzing what worked, what didn’t, celebrating milestones and goals achieved, and understanding what could have been done differently as other goals fell short. I hope this is insightful or helpful whether you find yourself in business or just celebrating another year gone by. This is my 2022 recap.

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Business, Branding RuthAnn Rafiq Business, Branding RuthAnn Rafiq

A BTS Peek at Chioma’s Design Day

I am so excited to share with you a second round of Dedicated Design Day Q&A’s! This is a behind the scenes look at a Design Day I did with Chioma Onyiuke and our work together so you can see the extent of what a Design Day can do for you! And instead of answering questions myself and telling you why I think Design Days are the bomb, I’m going to let my client who actually went through the experience answer them herself.

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Squarespace, Coaching, Business RuthAnn Rafiq Squarespace, Coaching, Business RuthAnn Rafiq

3 Reasons Why Squarespace is Perfect for Your Coaching Website

When people ask when the best time is to get their website updated, my answer is “yesterday.” Your website is your home base, where people find out about you and your services, where they fill out your contact form, schedule discovery calls with you, and book your services. Your website needs to be firing on all cylinders to be doing what it’s supposed to be doing which is make you money.

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RuthAnn Rafiq RuthAnn Rafiq

Showit-Like Changes to Squarespace Are Here - The Brand New Fluid Engine Editor

Guys. I’ve been with Squarespace for a long time (6 years to be exact) and I’ve just accepted the fact that there are a lot of limitations when it comes to the website editor and getting a certain look you want. Until now, cause Squarespace just rolled out a whole new editor (only available in Squarespace 7.1) and it’s FANTASTIC. In this post I’m gonna breakdown the 5 biggest changes and how this affects sites moving forward. Let’s dive in!

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Web Design, Business RuthAnn Rafiq Web Design, Business RuthAnn Rafiq

5 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Web Platform for Your Coaching Business

Even before I launched my business out into the world in 2016 I spent countless hours trying out different web platforms to see what would work best for me. While the time I put into researching platforms and trying them out was useful, it took up A LOT of time and if I could go back I would do things differently so I could save myself from the confusion and headaches.

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