Week 1: Barb’s Branding Journey - The Brand Strategy Kick-Off Call and Project Introduction

About the episode:

I am SO thrilled to be documenting my clients rebranding journey here on the podcast! Barb Davids is an SEO strategist and owner of Compass Digital Strategies and is ready to create a whole new look and feel for her business so she can stand out in her industry and attract more aligned clients. In this first episode, we record the Kick-Off call which is a deep dive into brand strategy for Barb, the goals for her rebrand, her core values, target clients, and the style and vibe of the visual brand and more. They also discuss the logo, brand collateral, and next steps. I am so excited to share this truly behind the scenes peek at the rebranding process and hope you walk away with a better understanding of how this can be so impactful for your own business. 


• RuthAnn begins with her process with sharing her design methods of limited proofs and revisions to help the client not feel overwhelmed and keep the process streamlined and on schedule 

• Laying the groundwork for your visual brand is imperative, such as identifying core values, ideal client, goals, vision, and brand tone. 

• Core values play a crucial role in guiding business decisions and setting the tone for the brand.

• Understanding the target client and their needs is essential for effective branding.

• The style and vibe of the visual brand should align with the person’s personality and values.

• Barb shares how she wants a compass icon and RuthAnn agrees only if it isn’t cliche.

About Barb and free resources

Barb Davids is an SEO and content marketing consultant and owner of Compass Digital Strategies. Driven by data and analytics, she works hard to get business-changing results for her clients, such as 256% more website traffic and 22% more leads. In her spare time, she and her dog Stone run and travel around the US.

Learn more about the Artisan Branding Experience

Barb Davids: Follow along! Website and Instagram 

Listen to Ep. 8 on Rebrand with RuthAnn where Barb Davids is featured sharing her knowledge and expertise on SEO

  • RuthAnn Rafiq

    Hey friends, welcome to Rebrand with Ruthann. I am so excited because we are kicking off a very special series documenting my client's rebranding journey.

    Barb is an SEO and content marketing strategist and owner of Compass Digital Strategies. And she goes all out helping small business owners embrace their SEO ambitions. And something I love about Barb's business is that she is very transparent with why certain, why you should do certain things to grow your SEO, what really works and what doesn't work. She does not hide behind jargon. She is clear, direct to the point without any fluff. And I love that so much about her. And I think that's what really sets her apart in the SEO space. And so something she really wants to convey, which we're gonna talk all about this, is showcasing her personality more in her branding. So this client series is all about the behind the scenes of how we come to these decisions, how I present design concepts, how the client makes decisions, what happens when she's stuck between two decisions, how to move forward and how to end up with a brand that she really loves. We are documenting from the very beginning. This first episode is documenting her kickoff call, and we talk all about brand strategy. This is diving deep into brand strategy for her, and then all the way to the end of the process, which is handing off the deliverables the brand style guide and how to use your assets when you are marketing your business. So we are covering it all in this series and I'm so excited. This is something I wanted to do back when I was first thinking about starting this podcast. This is a series I really wanted to do and create. And so I'm so excited that I'm so excited and grateful that Barb agreed to share about her process and journey.

    in this series and I could not be more thankful and I'm just so excited to share with you all the ins and outs of the rebranding journey.

    You will be able to follow along with all of the visuals of our process over on the show notes page. So if you go to rartsoace.com slash podcast, you'll be able to find this episode series and you'll be able to see the proofs I've sent, what she has chosen. You'll see concept proofs, you'll see finalized designs. You will see it all when you check out the show notes page. So definitely check that out if you are a visual person and you wanna follow along with how the visuals are shaping up. I would love for you to do that. And of course, if you are interested in rebranding.

    And of course, if you are interested in rebranding your own business and you would like a design partner to help you throughout the whole process, this is something I love doing and I would love to help you if this is something that's on your radar and something you would like to do. You could reach out to me at rartspace.com, learn all about my services and send me a message and we can talk about rebranding your business and how it can help you reach more of your goals for this year and beyond. So I'm so excited. Without further ado, let's dive into week one of our client journey series.


    All right, Barb, I am so excited to do your kickoff call here live and talk about and go through your branding journey. This is my artisan branding experience, which is the branding, and I'm just so excited to go through the entire visual branding process with you. We're going to go through the inspiration board and color palette the logo suite, the marketing collateral that I provide, the brand style guide, basically the entire process. And we're gonna do it on a weekly basis and we're just gonna track our progress and your journey and I'm so excited.


    This is going to be so fun. I have been wanting to do this. I don't even know for how long and I love a lot of components of my website and my brand, but it's never had a proper brand strategist on it. So this is going to be super exciting. I hate that phrase, but it is super exciting.


    It is and I'm so excited. You are the exact client I love to work with and I'm so glad we're highlighting this because you do have a brand in place You do have a business in place and what we're doing is refining everything that you currently have we are rebranding So we are coming up with a new logo coming up with a new color scheme that really fits where you are now and I know this is a audio show, but we are gonna try to You know explain as much as we can so you can get a visual for it. I didn't have your website open. Let me open it really quick just so I can reference that too.


    All right, so what I am providing is the inspiration board and color palette, and I do three original, up to three original concepts and three design revisions. And if you want more revisions after that or more original concepts, that is an add-on in price. And normally we stay within that, within those parameters. The logo suite, we have one to two original concepts and three design revisions.

    And the reason I only provide one to two original concepts is because sometimes if I provide a whole bunch, clients can get really overwhelmed or they feel like they're, it's like harder to make a decision with more options sometimes because they're like, oh, I don't know, I'm not sure. And so I feel like after our kickoff call, I feel like I have a ton of clarity on the direction I feel like it should go and stuff. And so from your intake form and everything like that, I feel like I have all the information.

    I need to design something that you'll really love in one to two concepts. So again, that is one of those things that you can purchase additional if you need to most of the time we don't need to but I feel like this really helps us stay focused and it also helps the process go a little bit more smoothly and It keeps our timeline also in check


    Okay, that sounds good.


    And then for the marketing collateral, we have two pieces of marketing collateral. We will choose those today on our call. And you did provide for me several options that you are interested in. And then the brand style guide is everything that we've done together. And that's just a PDF basically of all of the things that we've gone over. And it includes how to use your color palette, how to use your fonts, all that kind of thing.

    Right, feedback is required within 48 hours of sending a proof. If you need additional time, that's totally fine. I just would need to know if you need additional time, but this helps us stay on schedule and on track. And when you are providing feedback in the questionnaire, I do sometimes, sometimes people have a hard time like writing their feedback and then they end up like not writing anything. They're like, oh, I'll just talk to you in our next call. I'm like.

    I would love for you to give it a go with writing what your thoughts are and I think the best thing you can do with feedback is saying why something is working or not working like, you know, I'm really not loving this and this because it looks too florally or, you know, giving me like reasons why you don't like something. So that really helps whenever it's whenever you're giving feedback just so it's constructive. So I have something to go off as well. It's hard when someone's like,

    Oh, I just don't like this. I'm like, okay, you know, there's no direction there. So giving me reasons is helpful. All right, so.




    All right, so let's dive into the, we're gonna go over the branding questionnaire that I sent over, and we're not gonna talk about every single thing, but we are gonna cover some of the main topics, and this is also for our listeners so they can get a sense of your business direction and what you're hoping to accomplish with our work together. So, what we did was we started off with,

    Core values and the reason I start off with this is because this really sets the tone, I believe, for your entire brand because your core values really dictate a lot of your decision making, a lot of how you run your business and stuff. And so I think it's really helpful to identify these. And so your number one core value was transparency. And in the questionnaire you said, I asked, why is this an important value to you and you said, I hate when companies would hide things from me or not tell me the full story. I want to know things so I'm educated and can make informed decisions. And I really sense that this is a core value of yours being on your website and being that you are so transparent and open with how you run your business and also sharing the information about making SEO accessible and easy. Do you want to go into that a little bit more? Or share a little bit more about that.


    No, I don't think I have anything more to add. I think it's pretty straightforward. I don't really have any more to add to that. I think that was like such a big pain point of mine when I used to work with companies and I was managing and the reporting that they would give me, it just wasn't like I wanted to do it. They made it almost feel like I was going to take it away from them or something like that or I'm not really quite sure why that was. I think that as business owners like myself, I can make better informed decisions if I know the full story. It's not that I'm questioning what they do by any means. And I have some people that I work with right now where it feels like they don't want me to ask them questions because they feel like they're the experts and they are. However, I would like to learn more so that I can better help them. Like maybe I need to come up with new keywords for Google ads or I need to come up with a new landing page or maybe we need to come up with a new campaign. Like what are they seeing out there? And I think that back and forth, that transparency only helps the small business owner and myself, like when I'm doing work with clients.


    100% and I love that is a value of yours because I do think it helps you stand out as well because in other SEO companies sometimes it feels like they're using jargon that you're like, oh just trust us to take care of it. It's like well, I just want to make sure I understand what you're doing for me because I just feel like SEO is one of those things where companies can take advantage of like oh I'm doing SEO for you on a monthly basis and what they're




    doing is maybe just like adding a few keywords to your blog. You know what I mean? Like I feel like sometimes there can be It isn't as transparent or honest sometimes So I love that this is a value of yours and that you I feel like already display this in your business Your second core value is discipline and you want to share why that is important to you in your business




    If I don't have discipline, I don't get things done. And that doesn't help my clients. And it doesn't help the people that I'm helping. So I think that's a very big core value. Now ask me if I'm 100% good at it, I will tell you no, however, in the sense of transparency, right? However, it is a big deal. Like if I don't have the discipline to do the things on a regular basis, publish the blog post, publish the social media, do the outreach, whatever it may be for the different tasks, then it doesn't get done. So that's where that comes from.


    Yeah, I love that. And then resourcefulness was your third core value. And I think this is a great one too, because you do whatever it takes to find a solution for the problems that your clients have, which I think is excellent when it comes to SEO and helping them get found on Google. So that is so good. So I love that we started off with those core values. And those are just some guiding, you know, our guiding values whenever we're going through, whenever you're making decisions for your business, going back and making sure they're aligned to these, I think is really beneficial. And I go back to these in the branding process. This is a strategy portion, so it might not seem relevant, but to me, this is very relevant because it helps me in the design process as well. And we'll be sharing more about that in the visual side of things when you go to the show notes, when you go to the blog post of this podcast. You know, I am going to be sharing some of my sketches and how I'm getting to the designs and stuff. So stay tuned for that. And okay, so the second section of this brain questionnaire is the why of your business. And we're not going to go into all of this, but there's a lot of questions that are, I feel like I ask the same question in several different ways just so I can get a little bit more out of you. So I have a really clear understanding of your overall.

    vision and what you're hoping to achieve with this. And so let's talk about what helps you stand out in your industry among other SEO professionals, what helps you stand out and really differentiate yourself from everyone else.


    The biggest part is the, I guess I would say the decisiveness or the sense of direction and getting direct answers. I think that there's still a lot of companies out there and a lot of consultants that are a little bit, I'm not sure what to call it. It's too broad with the information that they give or it's too vague. And I think that...

    Small business owners just want answers to what they're looking for and I do that very well with them.


    Yes, I love that. That is 100% true and being on your site, that's true. And so yeah, you give really clear direction and you give straight answers, which is so good. Where do you see yourself a year from now? And I'm gonna add on to this question. Where do you see your business like maybe five years out from now, like long-term? What do you hope your business, where do you hope it to be?


    I'd like it to be a resource for all digital marketing for small business owners and some place that they can go to get answers through either a group coaching program that I have or even if they are ready to move into done for you service that I have a solution that helps them get what they need in any way that they need it but without overwhelming. There's a lot of websites out there that say they give you SEO and they give you all these options.

    But small business owners don't really know which option they actually need. So I think having a clearer way for them to get to what they want is ultimately what I'd like. And I don't know, that might be a little bit too vague still, but they should be able to come to the website and be like, oh, that's what I need. So maybe I say, instead of saying get SEO, maybe I say, are you looking for more leads and then it takes them down a path to help them do just that specific task.


    Yes, and I think where that would come into play is the website strategy. And we are doing primarily the branding and I am doing some website mockups for you for WordPress. We are not gonna air that on the podcast, but I think when it comes to the website design, I think having really clear, having a really clear layout is gonna be extremely important. I feel like having minimal text is...

    also important so people don't feel overwhelmed because SEO can be an overwhelming topic anyway. And so I feel like almost, you know, kind of what I envision for the site is less text, really directing people where they want to go with exactly, I need more leads, I need to get found on Google and just being really direct with like, this is exactly the problem I have and then like leading them on like, this is how I can help you solve that. I love that.




    Exactly. And when they come to the website, I feel like right now it's a little bit too stale or what do you call it? There's that word that it's almost like you're in a hospital. It's sterile almost like when you come to it. And I feel like it could have some life to it and feel inviting without having big break. Like I'm very minimalistic, but I also don't want to necessarily be just black and white. So I think there's a way to

    feel a little bit more inviting. I still feel like it feels like every other SEO company out there.


    I will second that after being on so many sites and interacting with a lot of different service providers including SEO specialists, it does feel a little on the generic side and a little on, and I feel like you have such a great personality and you are, you know, you're direct, you are fun, you are driven. I think there's, you know, these elements that I think we can definitely bring into the website to, because as small business.

    as small business owners and having a personal brand. It is about us in a lot of ways. It's about our personality and really letting that shine through. So I definitely think we can add in your personality a lot more and bringing that. And I feel like you can add that in so many ways. You can do that with the visuals, which is what we're gonna do. You can also do that with the copy and making it super fun. And so there's a lot of different things we can do. And I think something...

    I feel from you is that you're a very warm person and a very caring, compassionate person. And I think we can definitely bring that in the branding as well. And it doesn't have to be sterile and generic. It can be warm and also like, I know what I'm talking about and that kind of thing. So I'm so excited. I have all these ideas. But so we're gonna go down to the mission statement. You mentioned that you don't have one, but you did write,


    Thank you.


    it would be regarding cultivating inspiration and energy in other small business owners so that they can achieve their goals. And from a copywriting standpoint, I'm not a copywriter, but I do have some copywriting chops, I would say. And I would say like, this is a super vague mission statement. So I think we can get way more specific and clear with like how you provide those solutions to business owners.

    You do it through SEO, through strategy, just being a lot more clear. So that's kind of some homework I would love to give to you. And I'm not gonna be like, oh, you have to have your mission statement for me by Tuesday, but I do think this is a great exercise to think of your mission statement, who like getting clear on like who you're helping. I think small business owners is a great start, but if you can get even more clear.

    what type of small business owners, how you help them achieve their goals, and what happens after they achieve their goals, and what happens after you help them achieve their goals. So I think there's some work that can be done there for sure, and I can write that down for you and send that to you and after our call for sure, but I think having a mission statement that's super clear and just gives you direction, it would be really helpful.




    All right, and so then with Target Client, our Target clients are service-based small business owners in business at least three years. I like that. Female, ambitious, kids or no kids, they love, love their business and what they do. Yep, that's super good. I think that's a good client, a good ideal client to have, I think in business at least three years. I feel like there's a way to say that.

    Concisely, perhaps like established or seasoned or, you know, just thinking of a way we can like phrase that. But I like that that's kind of something you recommend for sure. This sounds a lot like my ideal client. Okay, and the problem you solve is you help them get found in Google and convert more of their website visitors to leads. I love that. It's super clear, concise.




    you know, to the point. Going into section number, I think it's number four, I was kind of going through this without sharing, but we were just now in section three, your target audience, we're going into section four, the style and vibe of your visual brand. And some adjectives that describe your brand best are approachable, passionate, trustworthy, minimalistic, knowledgeable, direct, jargon-free, so good, helpful, insightful, and energetic.

    These are great brand words and these like really help me with the style and the vibe and choosing fonts and the color palette and stuff so I'm excited about this for sure. I think something else also when you shared your Pinterest board with me looking through the Pinterest board it's relaxed it's uh you do have minimalistic on there it's um comforting in a way it is Clear it's


    It's really good. I love the inspiration board a lot. And I feel like, I did notice you didn't put a lot of like any logos or any other design elements that you like. So that's cool. So to me, that gives me a lot of creativity with like where to go with the logo if you didn't like say, oh, these are some ones I like. But I love the brand tone and style. And I think I would add to that.

    relaxed but super knowledgeable. I think I would add in fun, but you have energetics, that's similar. I really like these brand words go really well with your Pinterest board. Another question was, what do you want your audience to feel? What you wrote down was peace. They know they will get the right answer. They've saved time and they're interacting with a trusted friend. I love that so much.

    And I do want to talk about just kind of the specifics with what you're looking for with your branding. And I know we talked a little bit. You sent me an email separately about color, about the colors. Do you remember that? Okay, and so let's see. I'm reading that section of the email right now. Let's see.


    Yeah, I do. Yeah.


    So you had someone give you notes about the color palette. Let's see. I wanted to add a thought that was inspired by a colleague who had a rebranding recently. She picked colors that were close to or also in her own personal colors. And do you mean that by her, like what she wears?


    Right, she had her own color wheel done and the colors that she wears and things are kind of the colors that she used on the website. So that way when her photo was on the website, the colors would all match her branding photos.




    Oh, I see, I see. And she had, let's see, I don't know if you take that into account, but this might have an effect on the color scheme of my own site. I have not had my colors done, but I do know I'm a fall, so a shade of green, maroon, a shade of blues are my best colors, I'm told. And I don't, but I don't think these are attractive website colors. Ha ha! Those are attractive website colors. You know, I feel like it's all about like how, how you use the colors is so incredibly important, like.




    you can have a very minimal color palette, but it's all about how you're using them, or you can have an incredibly robust color palette, and it can, there's definitely a way to do it so it doesn't look too, like in your face, too many colors, that kind of thing. I do feel like a blue might be a good, like I, after everything that we've talked about, like,




    Trustworthiness like blue is one of those colors that you know a lot of like banking industries use blue And that's because it's it invokes like trustworthiness security Calmness serenity so I think that could be a good option and there's a lot of different shades we can talk about But what do you think about using a blue in there somewhere?


    I think that could work. I think it also matches the compass idea or the directional. Like, you know, you use a compass at sea, even though I don't really like all the at-sea jargon and like cliches. But I do like the idea of the compass in the water because I do like the beach so much and I love that whole beachy vibe. And I think, yeah, I think that could match pretty well, obviously, depending on the blue. I, because I don't know about colors and I keep thinking, oh, it's such a bland.




    but it doesn't have to be, I guess, is what I hear from you.


    Oh, it definitely doesn't have to be. And I just feel like it also ties into what it pairs with. Especially if we are bringing in an orange, those are complementary colors, orange and blue, and so those could pair well together. And do you wanna keep the orange? Are you pretty set on it? How do you feel about the orange?




    I like it. Oh, yeah. I like it a lot. However, I just heard to and this is all depending on like who you hear things from right and how it comes out. But orange used to be a really big color, I think coming out with different companies. It seemed like everybody and everybody had orange in their business color. And I do actually really like it because I love the energy from it. It's one of my favorite colors personally, even though I don't wear a lot of it. But I do.




    I would like to see if there's a way to keep it only because I do like it so much, but at the same time I'm willing to give it up in the interest of the bigger picture.


    totally, that makes a lot of sense. I do love orange because it's so eclectic and energetic and there's so many different shades of orange so I feel like sometimes we just think of like the orange that's maybe dated, but I think there's an orange that you could use that's a little bit more modern, but also you do wanna choose colors that are more timeless anyway, so I definitely don't wanna go down the path of like

    super trendy and stuff, because I think a neon is definitely kind of making its way into modern design. So like I don't really want to choose like a neon orange color because that could date us as well. So yeah, we're definitely going to try to find something a little bit more on the classic side. But I do think oranges, I don't see a ton of people using well, I think.

    It kind of depends on what industry we're talking about. So I do see orange being used, and I think used sparingly, it could work super well. And it really adds that pop of color and personality and uniqueness. So I think that could work.


    So with your logo, it's Compass Digital Strategies. And you do say that you have a tagline, get found in Google and attract more clients, which is great and like to the point.


    So sometimes with a tagline, I don't like something long, like a phrase. Even though I love this phrase, I think that could be in your footer for sure, in your email, in your email signature you can use this phrase. I think for the logo, I would want it to be something like SEO consultant or SEO agency or something like two words, just describing the company.

    So if we were to do that, what would you say you wanted it to be?


    I would say digital marketing coach is most appropriate at this point.


    Oh, I love that. Okay, digital marketing coach. That's perfect.


    Excuse me, and you said that you wanted, you liked the compass graphic, like a compass little icon, so we're gonna try to keep that.


    I absolutely love, so the backstory with that is I couldn't find a business name that didn't have a domain taken that I loved. When I started my business in 2008 or 9 or something like that, no wait, excuse me, 2018 or 19. And I finally landed on Compass Digital Strategies just because Compass kind of helped with the idea of giving people direction and helping them find their way and that kind of thing.

    However, if something else comes out of it, I'm okay with not keeping it either, as long as the logo obviously matches, which I know you'll do, so.


    Oh, interesting. Yes, absolutely. We can definitely, I am big on not doing cliche logos, so I really love having symbolism, and sometimes I do a little bit abstract designs where it's kind of unclear maybe what it is at first, but then when you look at it, you can see the thing. So I like definitely leaning more towards, leaning less away, or I don't know how to say that, but I definitely don't like doing the cliché design, so it probably won't be like a straight up compass, but we will come up with something super cool. And something that you mentioned is, I asked, is there anything you want me to stay away from? And you said anything frilly looking. I like modern and minimalistic. Which I can say from your Pinterest board, yeah, you definitely do like the modern, minimalistic, casual, yeah, like straightforward. Yeah, I love it.

    So I think we can definitely do the logo aligned with that. Let me see if there's.


    No frills, no flowers, no pink, no mauve, no pretty.


    That is so funny. Love it, I love it. I love it when people have a really clear direction in their, like that just really helps. It's hard when they're like, well I kinda like everything. It's like, well. Okay, so we talked about this. Okay, so let's go talk about the brand Collateral and then I think that is about it and then I'm ready to get started. So with the brand Collateral.

    We are gonna do two things for the brand collateral and this is anything that you want to do with your marketing. So this could be social media graphics, this could be a PDF, an opt-in design, this could be whatever you want it to be. So for the two that you're choosing, you wrote down Instagram graphics, download PDFs, checklist guides. So what would you like, like specifically, what would you like to do for the brand collateral items?


    The Instagram, so Carousel and Reel and Story.

    Cause the carousel can translate to a single one easily, a single slide. And then the, what do you want to call it? The download itself. So the lead magnet. So whether that be a checklist or a guide, but basically it would be like a header footer type of thing or a first page, last page kind of layout. So maybe like a three or four page document that has some words that, yeah, they're around stuff. Yeah.




    Leave me.


    Yeah, I love doing that. Yeah, that's great. Do you want, do you have a lead magnet in mind that you would want me to design or do you just kind of want a template?




    I have a lead magnet in design. I do have a few of them, so let me pick one. And it probably would make sense to just go off of that because it has the content already.


    100%. It's so much easier if I already have the content. So I would love that. So you can provide that to me.




    And would you want me to do this in, sometimes clients want me to do it in their Canva so that they could make upgrades and changes whenever they want to. Would you like me to do that? Or I could do that in Illustrator, which means you won't have access to making updates, unless you have Illustrator, which is where I normally design things. Do you want, where would you like me to design it in?


    What about Google Docs? Is that an option?


    There's definitely a lot of limitations when it comes to the design aspect. I can't make it as fun as I could in other places, but it's up to you.


    Okay. Um, let's just do Canva.


    And if you want, you can invite me as a team member or you can share your login with me. I have clients do that all the time. So it's where, what I have. So it's however you prefer.


    And going back to the Instagram, do you want the carousel in portrait or square? Portrait.




    And I would probably do two graphics for each. So I would do two images in the carousel, two in the reel, and then two in the story.


    And yeah, that sounds great. So then the brand collateral is normally week three. So as long as I have all that info by then, that should be great.


    Awesome, so what will happen next? I have everything I need. Do you have anything you wanna add before I am let loose?


    No, I think you've covered everything and I actually already think I'm going to be blown away just by the initial communication and the welcome packet and all of that kind of the questions, everything. So now go for it.


    Okay, I'm so excited, I can't wait to get started. So what we'll do is I will create several options for you to review and normally I send those by Friday. So right now we're recording this on a Wednesday, so in a couple days you should get the first proof going. If you want to reply with feedback by Monday, that would be great, because then we can do a revision before our next call.




    Now I'm trying to think when is our next call. I'll look at it. So, you know, we do try to keep this on a pretty quick turnaround time, but like I said in the beginning, if you need more time to review things, please let me know. And so yeah, so you can expect your first proofs by Friday and I'm so excited. I can't wait to get started.


    Yay. So exciting.


    Thank you so, so much, and if you need anything in the meantime, please let me know, but you can expect to hear from me then, and we will go from there.

RuthAnn Rafiq

Passion for art, design, people and intentional connections.


Week 2: Barb’s Branding Journey - Reviewing the Inspiration Board and Color Palette


Brand Strategy Straight Talk with Asia Dore