Create a Premium Client Experience and Come Away with Raving Fans

About the episode:

Join me on this week’s episode of Rebrand with RuthAnn as we explore how to make your client experience not just good, but genuinely premium. It's not all about hiking up your rates; it’s about making your clients feel special and showing them how much they matter. I'll share some of the personal touches and smart strategies I’ve used to turn clients into raving fans who’ll cheer for your work long after the project wraps up. If you’re ready to make your client process a standout feature of your business, this chat’s for you. Grab your iced coffee, and let's get into it!



  • The importance and lasting impact of creating a premium client experience

  • Balancing quick response times for clients with healthy boundaries

  • How tools like Dubsado can simplify and improve your client management process

  • Specific ways to tailor your services to meet the specific needs of your ideal clients

  • Steps to ensure your clients are well-informed and cared for throughout their journey with you

  • Simple strategies to exceed expectations and create memorable experiences


  • Hey there friends, welcome to another episode of Rebrand with Ruthanne. I am so excited to be here with you. Thank you for listening in today. I am excited for today's topic. We're talking about how to make your client experience a premium process. And this is something that, you know, I definitely have talked to so many potential clients and they're like, I just want to increase my rates. I want to be seen as an expert.

    And really making your client process premium is one great way to do that. And it's not all about increasing your rates. While that's definitely part of it, you also want to be seen as the authority in your industry. And not to mention when a client goes through a process with you and they have a really tremendous experience, they are your cheerleaders, your advocates, and they will spread the word about you for years to come I've had clients in the past who still talk about my work and it's been years since we've worked together So I think it's really important to focus on a really tremendous client experience for your clients and I would love to share a few tips that have helped me make my client experience premium

    As you may or may not know, I am a brand and website designer and I really focus on rebranding for women who are ready to up -level their business, be seen as the go -to authority in their industry, and attract those ideal clients with ease. And for me, I do have a premium service and my Master Rebrand Signature Service is a five -figure investment. And so I...

    I feel like I have gotten to the place where I am a premium service. And it's one of those things that did not start off that way. I definitely started off doing things for free. Back when I was newly started my business, I would do things for free. I would do a logo for $50. It was one of those things that has taken me a while to get here. But there's a lot of things you can do along the way that can improve your client experience. And so I am excited to share what has worked for me. And this goes without saying, before we dive into the three things I'm gonna share, you know, you have to have an excellent product or service. And most of the people I'm in touch with, you know, ideal clients and that kind of thing, they are done for you service providers or coaches. So it's not so much a product most of the time, but it is definitely a one -to -one service or it's like a mastermind situation or it's a one to many. And so that is just something I have to mention. You have to have a really excellent service or product or course or whatever it is to really be seen as that industry expert and to kind of elevate your client experience to make it premium.

    So number one, have a high touch streamlined client experience. And I think this is really important when people are spending a lot of money with you. They are expecting a lot sometimes. And so I think it's really important to rise to the occasion and have really good client communication being available for your clients. Something that's really important to me is responding to my clients quickly and I normally respond within 24 hours at the latest, but so many times it's very soon after they email me. And I'm not saying you shouldn't have boundaries, because you absolutely should have boundaries for your personal time and that kind of thing. But I think it really shows a level of help and service when you are there for your clients and when they have a question, they know that they can reach out to you and get a response within a day or within a half day. I think it's really just, it kind of goes above and beyond just because sometimes, I don't know if you've ever experienced this, but I've experienced this before where I'm spending a lot of money with someone and I email them because I have a question and I don't get a reply with like, for like a day, like a full day or two. And maybe this is something that's more of like a pet peeve of mine, but I like quick responses. I like to know, you know, kind of what's going on in the process or something. And so sometimes when the time it takes for people to respond is a little bit longer than I would like, it just kind of.

    It just makes me feel like I'm not a priority. And so I think it's really important whether you do have a response time of 24 to 48 hours, really like letting your clients know this is what they can expect. Because if they are just assuming that they're going to get like a very quick response, like within an hour and your policy is 24 hours, you only check your email once a day, you know, that kind of thing. You know, I think that's so important to communicate with your clients. So you can have a very high touch client experience and still have really strong boundaries and only respond to your clients once a day. I think that's absolutely possible. But I think a huge part of that is communicating those expectations so they know what to expect and they're not feeling like, I should be getting a response very, very soon and I'm not getting a response. So I think that's something to keep in mind if you have a one -to -one service or you're working with people in like a one -to -one capacity.

    This is something that I have definitely gotten a lot of compliments on my client experience saying that it's very high touch, that I'm very intentional, that I'm very available for my clients and I love that so much because to me this is the best part of business and for some people, you know, they really enjoy the marketing, the sales, all that kind of thing. I truly love what I do so much which is the branding and the website design and communicating with my clients and going through a client experience in a really collaborative way. So nothing lights me up more than doing that. And so for me, it's pretty easy to put my heart and soul into the client experience and to communicate with them often and to do excellent work. But I think it's really important to make sure that you are going above and beyond for your clients and that you're there for them and that you're just communicating that you are available and want to help them with whatever they may need help on. And this could be also if they need help with something that's outside of your scope, giving them references or giving them tools or tips or ideas for how they can achieve their goals. I think that's another way you can go above and beyond.

    Another way that I have streamlined my client experience is using a CRM. And this is a client relationship management tool. And I use DubSado personally, but I know there's a lot of other ones out there. But it's just such a great way to streamline the client process. And I've had people compliment me on that before too, if they're going through the process, they're like, wow, this is so like streamlined and I get reminder emails and everything. It's because of my CRM. I, you know, just set it up ahead of time. But it has for DubSado, the one that I have, it has contracts, invoicing, scheduling, canned emails.

    I cannot say enough good things about DubSado. I've been with them for years and years and I just love having a tool that's an all -in -one platform that's easy to manage everything. Like I mentioned, scheduling, contracts, questionnaires, everything like that. So if you're interested in checking out DubSado, I would love for you to do that and you can use my affiliate link by going to ourartspace .com slash resources and you can find that DubSado link there and that can give you a discount if you wanted to check it out or get started. Number two, how to make your client experience premium is know exactly who you're talking to. This is so important because if you are kind of not exactly sure what your client needs and you're just, you know, hoping that, maybe this is helpful, you know, it's sometimes is not the most helpful. So it's really important to know exactly who you are working with, knowing exactly who you're talking to and positioning yourself so that your messaging really stands out. And I know for me, in my industry, there's a million other brand and website designers, and there's a lot of people to choose from when it comes to updating or refreshing your brand and website. And so for me, it's getting super clear on my messaging and who I'm talking to. And I have positioned myself as the rebrand designer and I help people with their rebrand if they DIY their brands in the beginning and they're looking to revamp everything so it looks on par to match their expertise and the value that they bring. So that's kind of like my positioning. And something I've done in my process as well is so many times my clients, they need, they're going through a lot of different things whenever they work with me. Like they're updating their brand photos, they're updating their copy, they're doing a lot of things to really look the part of that professional go -to authority in the online space. And so something I did recently was I created like a brand photo shoot guide. So if they're doing a brand photo shoot, I, it's kind of like 10 different tips on like how to get the most out of your brand photo shoot. So it was, it's kind of like, you know, outfits they can wear and poses they can do and things to keep in mind when they're talking to their photographer. And so this has been, this is just an example of something that I created that I give to my clients that is super helpful because they all ask about this because they're normally getting brand photos. And so it's one of those things where it's like, you're thinking about what is most beneficial to them? What stage of business are they in? Like, what do they really need the most help with? And, you know, coming up with a solution that really is like another one of those things that's kind of above and beyond, you know, they didn't ask for.

    Well, my clients did ask me a lot for like art direction when it comes to their brand photo shoots, but I, you know, created this guide because it was just something that so many clients asked for all the time that I, you know, wanted it to be available for them so they can get that direction. And I don't have to always, you know, repeat myself and stuff. So, you know, just thinking about, you know, the pieces in your client process, they're like,when your clients come to you, what do they really need? You know, thinking about how you can anticipate those needs and provide that for them, which takes me to number three, anticipating needs of your clients. And I just mentioned about the brand photo shoot guide, but there's so many other things you can do as well. And in my process, I provide a welcome guide when people sign on to work with me.

    As soon as people pay the deposit and sign the contract, they get a welcome email and like a let's get started. And it has like the things they need to do next. And that I think is an important thing because, you know, when people are paying you money and they're excited to work with you, they're on that excitement train and you want to keep that going. And so sending them an email immediately. And again, I do that through Dubstato, but sending them an email immediately saying like, this is what you can expect. I'm so excited to work with you. Here's the welcome guide that you can find some answers to your questions. And these are the steps you need to take next. So it's kind of just laying it out there for them so they don't have to do any guesswork of like, okay, what's next? Like I just paid the deposit, but now what do I do? You know, you're, you are anticipating all of that for them and you are just providing that for them step by step. So I think that's you know just a way that your clients can feel really taken care of is like I know exactly what's happening next and you know, this is the next step in the process and I don't have to be stressed about this or worry about this and This also goes in my client process, you know whenever I'm doing a brand or a website or the both of them together You know, it definitely is a process and it takes time and you know, it can be sometimes five weeks, sometimes it can be 12 weeks, it depends on the project scope. But in the project, I'm so focused on letting my clients know, once they submit feedback or something, I'm like, thank you so much for your feedback, this is what's happening next. Just so they can have that peace of mind and know I'm on top of it, I know where we are in the process, I know that they're probably wondering what's next. And so I'm really like always communicating what they can expect and what they need to do next if they need to do something or if they just need to wait for me to send them something. So you're just anticipating those needs as you go through the process. And a little subtitle in this one here is surprising and delighting your clients. I think this really can take a experience to the next level if your clients are not expecting something from you and they receive something from you. It's such a nice surprise and it can just increase that Experience for them and so for me. I'm always looking for ways to like how can I make this experience more? Exciting more wonderful more enjoyable and in the beginning I write a handwritten note to my clients with like a little Starbucks gift card.

    And I know I can like send them an e -gift card, but I think there's like a special touch to snail mail and I personally love snail mail. So that's something I do in my process and my clients are always like, my gosh, I just got your letter. Like, thank you so much or your card. And so it's just, it's one of those things that I think it has a really nice touch. It's like a personal touch and that's something that's important to me.

    And I also do something when my client's off board. And so I think it's just looking for ways to really make the client experience special and memorable and something where they really feel taken care of and that they don't have to guess on what's coming next. They can know what's coming next, but also have some surprises along the way. So just to recap, making your client experience premium have a streamlined, high -touch client experience, know exactly who you're talking to, and anticipate needs as you go through the process. 

    So those are the things I recommend as you are thinking about how you can make your client experience premium. I think it's always thinking about how the client can benefit the most from working with you. And remember, when you have a tremendous client experience, and remember, when you have an amazing client experience, they just become your cheerleaders, your raving fans, and they share about you and your work for a long time to come if they love the experience of working with you. So I think there's so many benefits to upleveling your client experience, to really thinking about your clients, what they need, what they want, and giving them surprises along the way and really delivering an excellent product or service. So those are some things to think about. I hope this was really helpful.

    And if you ever want to connect with me, you can do that over on Instagram at r underscore art space. I would love to chat with you in the DMS if you wanted to. And until next time, I hope you have such a wonderful day and I will see you then.

RuthAnn Rafiq

Passion for art, design, people and intentional connections.

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