Having It All as a Mom + Entrepreneur (without the Burnout) with Shi Chen

About the episode:

I’m so excited to sit down with fellow mompreneur, business coach, and past client Shi Chen. Shi is a wife and mama of two and a business and leadership coach. Throughout our conversation, we talk about all things entrepreneurship and motherhood. From Shi’s journey from teaching to coaching, to the importance of hiring and delegating, to the impact of a website refresh, and balancing motherhood and business, we discuss all of it and pull back the curtain to making business work FOR you so you don’t need to burn the candle at both ends – you can actually enjoy being a mom and entrepreneur. We also discussed the website refresh I helped her with a year ago at the time of recording and how it’s impacted her business since then. I hope this encourages you in your entrepreneurship journey, even if it’s messy!

PS: Did you see that my Squarespace Templates are back?! These templates are perfect for anyone who feels their website isn’t quite hitting the mark or those just starting. Find the perfect one for you!



  • Transitioning from a day job to entrepreneurship requires self-reflection and finding alignment with your passions and values

  • Hiring and delegating tasks in your business is essential for growth and allows you to focus on your strengths

  • Shi shares how a website refresh can make a significant impact in attracting and converting clients

  • Balancing motherhood and business requires understanding the season of life you're in and setting clear priorities

  • Embracing change and evolution in business is necessary for growth and success and giving yourself permission to change in the process is essential


About Shi and Free Resources

Shi Chen is a wife, mama of two, and business + leadership coach. She is a teacher turned online business owner who helps values-driven entrepreneurs to sign dream clients and hire the best team members. When you have a simple sales strategy and the right people to support you, you can do more fulfilling work.

  • RuthAnn

    Hello and welcome back to the show. I am so excited that you're here and I'm so excited to have my friend and mastermind sister and past client, Shi Chen here on the podcast with us today. Shi is a wife, mom of two and business and leadership coach. She is a teacher turned online business owner who helps values driven entrepreneurs to sign dream clients and hire their best team members.

    When you have a simple sales strategy and the right people to support you, you can do more fulfilling work. I love that so much. She welcome, I'm so excited to have you on today.

    Shi Chen

    Ruthie and I'm so happy to be here.


    Good I think we're gonna have such a great conversation and we're gonna dive into topics like DIY versus delegate When to know is the like when is the right time to hire someone in your business? We're also going to be talking about your website refresh that we did last year and kind of like a one-year update on how things Have been on that front and we're gonna talk about mama hood and business because we're both mamas to two little ones

    And well, yours are a little bit older than mine, but I'm really excited for our conversation to talk about all the things. But first, I would love to talk about how you got started in the online business space, especially coming from an education background. I feel like that could be a little bit of a difficult transition, but I would love to hear how you got into the online business space and your journey to get started with your business.

    Shi Chen

    Oh, yes, let me take you down memory lane, right? So I was a educator. That's when I went to school for, and I loved teaching in terms of, I love just seeing, I just love helping people to grow and learn new concepts and just to be able to help them see their strengths and be able to achieve whatever goal they have. But I found that being in the classroom just wasn't a great fit for me. And so around the same time, I hired my own life coach.

    Call it my quarter life crisis, because I was like, what am I doing with my life? And she just really helped me to just, again, I think just go back to what type of work I want to do, who I want to help, what kind of change I wanted to make in people's lives, in work, but also, you know, hobbies and what was important to me as well, too. And so from there, I just kind of bit the coaching bug, like I got my certification in solution-focused coaching. I kind of dove in, kind of dove into the space. And I mean, that makes us sound like it was super straightforward, but it was definitely a messy road. And I look back on those times and just, and just am so grateful that I really was just kind of like followed what

    I was good at what I was curious about learning and who it was that I felt like, oh, these are my people. Like I wanna be able to help serve them and solve their problems.


    I love that. So was there a period where you did the side hustle thing or did you quit being a teacher and then just opened up your online business? Like how did that transition work?

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, that's a good question. I would say so as I was teaching full time, that's when I learned that's when I also got my certification. But then what was interesting about my story is that I was a teacher overseas, so I was taught in Beijing in an international school. And so I, you know, it's like the way the contracts work. It's like you just go year to year. And so for me, you know, it was time for my husband and I to return back to the States. And so I left my teaching job and just dove into coaching.


    I love that. And when did you start your business? What year was it?

    Shi Chen

    It was 2017. Yeah, yeah.


    Very good. Okay, so I started in 2016. So we started around similar times. And so that you've been in the online space for a while. And I would love to hear maybe when you started growing a team and, and I love that you said you mentioned that you hired a life coach with your quarter life crisis. I think that's really smart. Like if you're going through something like having that outside perspective.

    Shi Chen



    and listening ear and talking things over can really help you make big strides forward. I think it's so incredibly helpful. And I think that is one huge benefits of having a coach in your corner is that you can talk through things and they can reflect things back to you. And it sounds so simple if you don't come from like that mindset of having someone to help you by listening. My husband sometimes is like,

    Shi Chen



    It's such a waste of money because I think it's easy. It sounds easy if that makes sense, but I think there is a real art to coaching and you can get incredible results when you're really invested in the process. So tell me a little bit about, yeah, like how you've grown as a coach and how that's been for you.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, yeah.

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen

    Yeah, yeah, I would say that I have my first sort of like hire like my first team member was a coach. So that life coach, for example, and then once I wanted to do more business coaching, definitely hiring a business coach. That was like my first, my first team hire. But I will admit like as I was doing the business thing, I just did everything myself for like probably way too long.


    Oh me too.

    Shi Chen

    and talking about like DIY, I think there is a value in just like rolling up your sleeves and just like learning things yourself. Especially for me, I wanted to at least get a sense of like just like knowing how things worked so that if I were to delegate it to somebody, I wouldn't be like, oh, I don't know if they're doing this right or like, you know? And so I did, you know built my own website, like on WordPress when I was first starting out. Yeah. I'm like tinkering in Canva and you know, doing my own bookkeeping and all that good stuff. And so yeah, I definitely tried to try to at least learn like all the all the different facets of business on my own. But then


    We all did. We all did.

    Shi Chen

    Then, you know, I had my first child and then I had my second child and you just like don't have that much time. So in the beginning I had more time than money so I could like learn and do the things but then as my time was allocated towards like my family is really important and being a mom and wife is really important, I had less time so I had to like hire some help here and so yeah so I remember I think that was probably when we did my website refresh, hiring you was part of that process. Yeah.


    Yeah, so we both have a similar view on motherhood and putting family first and having those boundaries and priorities in place. And I think we both have the same, like a similar outlook on doing it yourself, like bootstrapping, just rolling up your sleeves and getting it done.

    And I also took forever to hire someone. I think it was four years at least. I don't know, it was a long time before I ever hired someone because it was just so scary. And like you said, you don't really have a lot of money in the beginning and so you're just kind of doing it all yourself. And yeah, one of my first investments was hiring Anna who we both have worked with in the past. And I joined her Visible Impact group and...

    That was like a huge leap for me and I had never done any type of coaching before and it was it was a hybrid of like a coaching and a course and stuff and it was incredibly impactful and then from there I did the mastermind but it I feel like hiring can be a scary thing to do in the beginning but when you get to the point of having kids and your life gets busier and you just don't have as much time hiring is essential like you just have no way around it.

    Shi Chen



    unless you have like a full-time, I mean, even then you have to hire like a nanny like to help you so you can work more in your business. But it just gets to the point, I think when your life gets more full or your priorities shift more in the family direction or whatever your case is, like hiring is a non-negotiable, like it just has to happen.

    Shi Chen

    Mm hmm. Yeah, for sure. And I think for me, the mindset that I had was, in the beginning, I was like, I just wanted to do it all because I kind of wanted more control, I guess is what it came down to. But then you're like, oh, like, I can't do it anymore on my own, you know. And so the work really was like release some of that control and then to be able to find trusted people that you're like, hey, like, you do a really great job. Like I actually need your help with this.

    And it's okay to ask and receive that help from other people.


    Yes, I cannot tell you how much I have grown in that area of like asking for help and being okay to ask for help, even when it's free help like from my husband or my mom or something. But especially like in business as well, like you know saying like this is the time I need an expert to help me because you just don't have that bandwidth anymore and I think it's been just such a growing experience while you're you know growing your family and

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen



    trying to grow your business at the same time. So it's definitely one of those things where it's a necessity and the sooner you can practice delegating, the better. Because I think it makes motherhood easier too, because I know for me, when my son was born, I wasn't comfortable asking for help. And so I pretty much did everything myself. And so now that I have my daughter and...

    Shi Chen



    My third is on the way. Like there's just, I'm like so okay with, I mean, I just ask everyone like all the time for help. Who wants to help me? I will give you my kids for a few hours. Please help me. So I think it's just, it's a skill that I think sometimes takes practice because we are, you know, like self-reliant. Like we can get things done. We can do the things, but it makes life and business so much more enjoyable when you can.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, like, who wants to help me? You wanna help me? Do you wanna help me? Oh, yeah. Yeah.


    have people supporting you and helping you with your goals.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, and then if you're gonna hire somebody, it's like they want to help you. It's their job, you know? And so just being okay with that because sometimes I remember hiring like hiring my first virtual assistant and being like a little bit nervous and shy, but being like, oh, but you know, like, do you want to, you know, maybe do a social media graphic, you know, because I don't like doing that stuff. But it's like, but they want to do it. That's their job. That's what they're good at. And so yeah, being just realizing that people also have different strengths and different and different skill sets as well too. And that your business is better because you have



    Shi Chen

    you know, people helping you.


    100% and they cut your time in half, if not more than that, because they have that expertise and they know what they're doing. A recent hire I did was getting this podcast off the ground back in, it was last year in September, like in the fall, and I hired a podcast management team to launch my podcast and it was so nice. It was like the best money I've ever spent. Like it was so nice to just have them.

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen

    Thank you.

    RuthAnn (12:13.576)

    She was just like, okay, I need your trailer. This is what I need for this. Okay, I've got these graphics done for you. This is like she just took care of everything. It was so nice. Shout out to Haley of the Hearts Center podcasting, but it was so nice to just have someone be an expert and help me and And since then I have like taken over a bit of the podcast stuff, but it is so nice to just kind of relax and let someone else like take the lead with what they're really good at.

    So you can do other things and like keep your business running and all that stuff. So when it comes to your website, when we did the refresh, kind of where were you in the process? Was your site, your site was on Squarespace at that point. And it was in the 7.0 version, so it was the older version. So what were you? Yes, we moved over to the new version and put it in Fluid Engine. So where were you in terms of like?

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen

    On score space, yes. Yeah, it was the old version. And then what you helped me with was to move over to the new fluid engine.


    what wasn't working, and then give us an update on how things are going.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, so before we worked together, I think I relied a lot more on social media to sign clients at that time of my business. I mean, it was helpful in terms of, I was really able to make those meaningful connections through social media, but my website was definitely, it was just there. I never really used it for much. It was just there, I was like, hey, if you want to look at it, great. But I never promoted it or sent people to it at all. So.

    The reason why I wanted to get a website refresh was, well, number one, it was on the old Squarespace. It was like, didn't quite work as well. And then number two, I just felt like, you know, this is if I'm going to have a website, I want to use it as a as an asset. And so what we did was we, you know, updated some of the messaging, use a little bit more brand photos and to be able to just like make make kind of like my home, my online home, so that I could actually send people to my website.


    I love that and it is your online home and it's something that should be working for you 24 seven. Like I believe if someone stumbles across your site, they should want to buy from you. Like that is the point of having your website and so having something that you're really proud of that you can't wait to share about is the goal every single time I do work on a website because that is, you know, the beauty of having an online business is you can work with anybody and anybody can find you.

    Shi Chen



    But if your site is not set up to have people sign on as clients and make decisions on your site, I just think it needs to be working for you all the time. It needs to be your number one employee.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, it is. Can I share a few like client examples or client success stories of my website? So one client.


    Oh, I would love that. Yes, please do.

    Shi Chen

    signed on to work with me and I remember her telling me like, oh my goodness, like before, you know, before I signed on with you, I went to your website and I studied like all the copy on your website. And I, you know, I really loved like your story and then like the values that you put out on your website. So and I think that what that story says to me was that, yeah, it really like accurately represented who I am as a person and a coach.

    And I truly believe that when it comes to client coach relationships, if you can clearly communicate the problem that you solve and the values that you have, it's just going to be a good fit. And so, yeah, that was a really cool testimonial. And the other story that comes to mind is I met someone locally through my daughter's little ballet class and she is a photographer. She does not use social media. She actually asked for a business card and I didn't have one on me because I was just like oh I'm just here you know like in my daughter's ballet class. So I sent her I was like well I don't have a business card but here's my here's a link to my website and we can keep in touch that way and so gave it to her and she went to my website filled out a contact page and ended up you know having a call and booking an intensive. So again it's like yeah your website works for you if you

    if you get it set up.


    Totally. And I think setting it up with a lot of strategy and intention is incredibly important and leading your client, your prospective client through the client journey to the ultimate goal of what you want them to do, whether that be sign up for your newsletter list or sign up for a fill out a contact form. So I think that's so awesome that you did get those things that you were wanting from your website and it was able to work for you. And I think that's so valuable and exactly what it should be doing. So I'm thrilled to hear it. And if you are still on the old version of Squarespace for anyone listening, I do have a podcast out that talks about switching over from the old version to the new version and the benefits from doing that. So I'm going to link them in the show notes. It is episode 14, I believe, but I will link that for sure. And so can you talk about any of the

    Shi Chen



    I mean, have you noticed any difference using Fluid Engine versus the old version, or you're pretty much letting the website run on its own? Like, kind of, what is your take on that?

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, that's a good question. So I recently went in and kind of just like made a little bit of updates. And so, you know, just, I don't know, new year, new website refresh, just like little changes here. So you know, like, you know, some of my headings, I've changed, maybe adding a new lead magnet. I have a new application to work with me, so things like that. And I noticed that it is a lot like more seamless to work with.



    Shi Chen

    in as like compared to the old version. And it's just like drag and drop, like easy peasy. Like I want this, I want my text to go here, you know, and you just like move it. Like I want this picture to be bigger, you know, and so it's like, I don't know, I consider myself a pretty like tech savvy person, but it's just, I don't know, it's just so nice whenever you can, when it just does what you want it to do, and it doesn't have to take forever.




    100% that was a huge Huge thing from the old version to the new version is the old version you worked with spacers And you had to put the spacers where you wanted them to go you couldn't really enlarge photos It was such it was it was tricky You had to use a lot of code and which is what I did for a lot of those old sites would my when I was You know working on them, and that was all the Squarespace offered It was just basically that was the answer was code and now you really don't have to do

    Shi Chen



    any code unless you needed something super special, which is so nice for my clients because yes they can go in, they can enlarge a photo, they can move something around. Like you're saying it's a drag and drop and it's on a grid, so it's not like show a drag and drop, which is literally anywhere, but it's on the grid and you can just move it to wherever you want on the grid and you can change the grid aspect and all that stuff. But it's, I'm so glad that is a huge, I'm so glad that's been a huge benefit of like

    Shi Chen



    feeling more confident like, oh, I can just make these changes myself and it can still look within my branding and everything.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, exactly.


    That's so good. Before we hopped on, we were talking about the snow days we have been having, and this is January when we're recording this, but we both have little ones. And so, you know, my son is in preschool and both of your daughters are in school. And so, you know, doing the whole business and motherhood thing and trying to do both really well. And then sometimes life happens and you have snow days and you have to work around.

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen



    you know, the kids schedule and everything. How, like what's something that helps keep you like on track and moving towards your goals and also taking care of your kids and being there when they need you.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, that's such a good question. I think the biggest thing that's really helped me was to understand what season of life that I'm in and then what stage of business I'm into and just really getting clear on the priorities that I have. So now my kids are four and six, and so they're in school, and they're a little bit more independent than they were, say, two years ago, when they were a little toddler and a baby.

    And so the reason why like, you know, we had a week off of school with the snow days. And the reason why it didn't like freak me out as much as if they, if they probably would have a couple of years ago was because the kids were fine, like playing, you know, in their playroom, like cooperatively and independently. And if I just like handed them snacks, like every 20 or 30 minutes. Um, and then I think just with my clients too, like I work with a lot of other.


    It's true, the snacks. It's a real thing.

    Shi Chen

    other women who are also moms and they just get it. And I think just communicating really clearly with my clients, you know, if we were on a call, like, hey, my kids are home today, but they might pop in, but I'm here for you kind of thing. I think it's just, yeah, being really clear on, this is how I work, this is, you know, what is required of me has been super helpful. And then just making any sort of like.

    adaptations or changes needed. I think if it's going back to what you're saying of like asking for help, I think it's just like knowing what works for you is really helpful. And just knowing that at the end of the day, it all kind of works out. You know, like my house might be a little bit messier, but my kids are happy. Like maybe it's like, maybe I don't work.



    Shi Chen

    at a certain, you know, in the morning, but it all gets done by the end of the week, you know, and so I think it's just, you know, it all kind of works out.


    it does and I want to second that what you said about knowing what season you're in of motherhood and that is a huge one and I remember last year being just frustrated a little bit of like I really want to be like 10 more steps ahead of like where I am and you know I'm in the baby phase like that's where I am and I'm gonna be in the baby phase for another like year and a half so um you know it's just like this is where I'm at and like I really like came to a place of

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen



    embracing this season and I do love the baby stage and I do think it's so special and precious and super short, you know, in the grand scheme of things. So I am really trying to, I am really doing my best of like embracing this is where I'm at and it's okay that my business isn't like where I wanted to, it will be eventually and that's what I tell myself.

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen

    Oh, of course. Yeah.


    my business is going to go where I want it to go. But we have all the time in the world basically. And you know, our kids only have us for a short amount of time and we only have them for a short amount of time. So I always try to pull that into perspective. And when you do need that help, like we were talking about, you know, asking for help when you need it, when you need some time, it has been extremely helpful. So I love that you mentioned knowing that season, knowing where your business is at and communicating that to your clients. I do that all the time. I'm like,

    Shi Chen

    Uh huh.


    oh, I have my little one napping, but she should wake up soon. So, you know, I just let them know, like this is what's happening. And they are so, my clients are the best, as I'm sure yours are too. And they are just so understanding and they're all like, oh, that's totally fine, honey. You do whatever you need to do. And it's just so nice because a lot of my clients are moms or have, you know, they have older kids or something, but they know what it's like and they remember those days and years and so.

    It's really nice to just communicate those things and just let them know this is where I'm at and everyone is normally so understanding.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I think I always think, you know, if, if your business as a coach, as a designer, whatever you do for your work, like if you think of it as your career, I mean, we've got like 30 more years in this game, you know what I'm saying? Like, you're just like, then we have, we have time to be able to develop the career, the work, the business, right? You don't have to do it like right now. Yeah.




    I'm so glad you said that. I'm so glad you said that because I remember talking to my coach, Anna. I think we had an intensive, well, maybe it wasn't recently. I don't know, it was in one of our times, in the recent past. And we were talking about, I was saying like, I feel, I can be a little bit dramatic at times. I was like, I just feel like my life is over. Like once I have this next baby, like, you know, it's over because how am I gonna handle like three little kids under five? Like, this is just gonna be too much. And,

    I was, yeah, being a little bit dramatic, but she was like, if this is something you wanna do for the rest of your life, which it is, I love what I do so much. I don't plan on changing this anytime soon. And she was just like, you know, there are seasons, like what we're talking about, there are seasons where you are more needing to be there for your kids. And then there's seasons, the one that you're in right now, she is like, your kids are a little bit more independent, they can play independently, and you can...

    be there, but you don't have to be playing with them. Or right now my daughter is starting to stand up and take steps, and so it's just one of those, I really have to be very hands on with her right now. But it's just such a small fleeting time in the grand scheme of things, and knowing that this is my career, this is my life's work, and this is something that I hope to do for a long time. So yeah, in the grand scheme of things, it's so short, and I have.

    all the time in the world to do what I need to do.

    Shi Chen

    Mm hmm. Yeah, so yeah, keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job. Ha ha.


    Hi, you too for sure. So, you know, we've both been in the online space for eight nine years a while and So when it comes to like growing and changing and pivoting in your business What's something that you have found to be true that you could just offer encouragement to our listeners of like? When you're in the business space for a while and things do change and evolve You know, what's some advice you have?

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, a while.


    when someone's going through like a pivot or an evolution in their business.

    Shi Chen

    Oh, that's such a good question. You know what's funny is that what's coming to my mind right now is as you're saying, like evolution, I almost think that business and life is almost cyclical. And so like what you're saying, like I started, I can't do math, maybe like seven years ago, but a lot of what I'm doing now, I'm almost like revisiting a lot of the foundational stuff that I did like seven years ago, you know, into like, you know, like.

    not trying to follow the trends and all that and new things, new shiny objects and whatever, but really just going back to the basics and foundations of what do I enjoy doing, who are the people that I love to work with, how can I maybe innovate a little bit so I can serve them better in today's landscape, but almost going back to the foundations of why I started and reminding like...

    how I want to, what works for me, sort of. But I think, but back to your question about pivoting and evolving, what I see keeps people stuck is I think they don't give themselves permission to change or they're like, oh, I want to change this thing. I don't wanna be flaky or whatever, but it's like, no.

    you're growing. That's the whole point is like you do some things, you figure out what works, what doesn't work, and you're like, oh, like, no, actually, this thing could be better, or I can improve in this way and, and be able to kind of, yeah, like make those intentional pivots.



    Shi Chen

    Yeah, so that you can grow, right? I think it's just a part of the process of adulting and business. But all that's to say is it kind of just come back to like who you are.




    Yes. Yeah and the


    I love that you mentioned going back to the basics because I do think that's something we should be doing regularly, like going back to your why and stuff, especially when you can get muddled. Maybe you're on Instagram or something and you're seeing a lot of what other people are doing and you're thinking, maybe I should change directions or maybe I should, going back to the basics of what you were saying.

    What do I really love, love to do? And maybe that changes over time, or like who do I love to serve? And maybe that person has changed over time. And giving yourself permission, like you said, to be a human and to make changes and to evolve, because I just think that's such a natural, normal part of life and business. So I think giving yourself permission is extremely important. And in your intake form, you mentioned that you started off as a leadership coach.

    and that you have since then branched into business mentorship. And now you do like a combination of both. And I think that's so normal to start off as something. I started off doing brand photography and I was like really highly emphasized that aspect of my business and I have since taken that aspect out. And I just think it's normal to like, okay, what do I really love to do? Do I love to do this still?

    Maybe not, so maybe take that out and maybe do more of what I really enjoy. So I think that's so good, you know, talking about permission giving and that things will change over time because that's how life is.

    Shi Chen

    Mm-hmm. Yeah.


    So good. So as we are wrapping up, I would love to hear where can everyone find you and learn about your work. And then if you have a freebie to share, we would love to hear about that too.

    Shi Chen

    Yeah, absolutely. So my website is shechencoaching.com. I'm on Instagram she dot Chen coaching. And I do offer a free resource called business message makeover. It'll help you to create a compelling one liner so that you anytime someone asks you like, Hey, what do you do? You're not like fumbling over your words. You actually feel confident to be able to share what you do and have the right people connect with you. And so that's also on my website that you can find there.



    Shi Chen

    But if you're also like, you know, listening, you're like, oh man, like there is something that I want to pick her brain about. I do offer a free coaching session. I offer a few every month to just be able to sit down and troubleshoot like one big sales problem or team development problem that you have in your business. If you're interested in doing that, you can just apply through the link. It's at the top of my website as well.


    Amazing, that's awesome. And then with that brand messaging makeover, oh my word, having a one-liner in place and just knowing that is so key. And so how many do you have available for those?

    Shi Chen

    Oh, for the coaching sessions. I usually offer three a month.


    And then for the messaging makeover, is that a free, like the one-liner, is that a free thing too?

    Shi Chen

    Oh yeah, that's just like a, yeah, that's a free resource. Like it's basically like a workbook that really helps you to understand who your dream clients are. And then what, yeah, what words do you want to use to be able to communicate things like your Instagram profile or if you're going to like a networking event, things like that.


    Okay, that's awesome.


    Oh, that's so good. Especially since online networking events are like the thing right now. So definitely need to have a one-liner in place before you go to one of those. She, thank you so much for coming on the show. I will definitely link to everything and everyone go check her out wherever you want to, whether that be Instagram or her website. I would love for you to check out her website. And yeah, shameless plug. Thank you so much for just sharing your wisdom and just being

    Shi Chen

    I'm sorry.

    Shi Chen


    Shi Chen

    Shameless plug. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ha ha ha.


    a friend and fellow business owner in the online space who is heart centered and really cares about your clients. I just love everything that you're doing and supporting you is just such a joy.

    Shi Chen

    Thank you.


    Amazing, we are just gonna stop there.

RuthAnn Rafiq

Passion for art, design, people and intentional connections.


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