How Rebranding Translates to More Sales, Scaling, and Business Growth
About the episode:
Ready to scale your business? Do you have big goals for 2024? In this episode, I’m talking about how rebranding can increase your revenue, build authority, and how it can set your businesses up for success in the new year and beyond. I cover topics such as when rebranding takes place, indicators that you’re ready for a rebrand, considerations to think about, the seven ways rebranding can help businesses grow, and the 3 services I offer that can support you in your rebranding journey. Let’s hit your biggest business goals with rebranding!
What you’ll hear:
How rebranding can help businesses stand out in a competitive market and attract ideal clients
How a cohesive online presence builds trust
The 3 pieces of rebranding that work together that you need in the rebranding process
7 Ways rebranding positions you to scale
How rebranding translates to more trust and more sales
Having brand guidelines for your team provides clarity and saves time
Rebranding boosts your confidence and marketing capability
RuthAnn shares her 3 offers to support you in rebranding: the Artisan Branding Experience, the Website Virtuoso Experience, and the Master Rebrand Experience
Episode resources:
Ep. 13 Make Your Copy Magnetic with Megan Smyth
Ep. 5 Scaling with Ease with Anna Rapp
Book a discovery call with RuthAnn
Hey guys, welcome to the show. I am so excited that you're here with me today. We are talking all about rebranding and how it sets you up for success, how it positions you for exponential growth. So I'm really excited to talk about this topic because this is something I do all the time for my clients, but also because this is such a good time of year to think about if rebranding is in your future for 2024 or even beyond.
And so I'm really excited to dive in. So the topics we're gonna go over are when rebranding takes place, like at what point in your business, what to keep in mind if you're thinking about rebranding, seven ways rebranding can help you grow in scale, and the three services that I help women as they are looking to rebrand and increase their revenue. So those are the things we're gonna go over. So let's dive right in.
So rebranding happens in your business when you feel like there is a disconnect between your online presence. I mean, there's definitely several things. So I mean, that's one of them is you definitely feel a disconnect like your expertise is not lining up with the experience people have online if they're going to your website and really not getting that full, if they're really not getting that full.
If people are going to your website and you really feel like people aren't understanding the quality of service you provide, the expertise, maybe your authority online, if they are not really getting any of that, that could be a huge indicator that there's a disconnect and that maybe it's time for an upgrade. Another reason is you're not attracting your ideal clients. This happens if you are attracting
Let's say you're like a higher end service and you're attracting people who are price shopping. That's an indicator that maybe something is misaligned with your messaging or who you're targeting and maybe on your sales page, something is not lining up how you want it to be. So that's kind of an indicator. A third thing is you want to raise your prices. This is a huge one.
It's easy to raise your prices because people see the value and they understand the value and they're like, oh, I would love to have her help with my problem in this. And this is something that it just really stands out. So it shows that quality right off the bat. So if you're wanting to raise your prices, that's an indicator that maybe a rebrand is in your future.
You're changing your business name. This is if you are, you know, really changing directions in your business You're offering new services your pivoting services Let's say like you were offering like virtual assisting services. You want to become a coach instead, you know That could be a great time to rebrand because then you can really come out and say like I am the coach for virtual assistants or something like along those lines.
So whenever you're going through a big change in your business, going back to the foundations, like your target audience, like your values, like your business name, just send some of those foundational pieces. That could be an indicator that rebranding could be down the road for you, for sure.
So if you're feeling any of those things in your business, I would encourage you to really take a look and see how you're feeling about your brand. How are you feeling about your website? Are you feeling like things are mismatched, that you're wanting a really elevated online presence? Are you pretty happy with how things are going and you don't think anything needs to change? Maybe you just need a little refresh, or maybe you just need new brand photos like I'm doing, or you know, maybe you just need something small, but if it's something pretty substantial, pretty like to the core of your business and you're wanting to get that, you know, the foundations to align with where you are now, a rebrand is probably what you're headed for. So here are a few things to think about if you are wanting to rebrand and, you know, hire some help with this. So a few things to think about is, do you need a website designer?
Do you need an SEO specialist? Do you need a copywriter? These are some important factors. Sometimes people don't think about, you know, making sure all these pieces are aligned before they move forward with someone, which is why I include all these things in my package, but I think it's easy to kind of think, oh, I just need someone to redo my website, when maybe you actually need a copywriter to help you with the copy, to make sure your messaging is on point, to make sure your copy is exactly where you want it to be. And so those are some things to keep in mind. So maybe you're thinking, oh, I do need a refresh or a rebrand, but actually maybe the person I really need is a website designer, you know, that kind of thing. So, Or you can say like, maybe I just need an SEO specialist to help me, you know, grow my SEO. I personally believe that your website designer should be well-versed in SEO because I just think if you're designing a site and you don't know how to do SEO, I just feel like that's such a detriment because when you're setting up a site, it's really important that you're setting it up for foundational SEO. But that's beside the point. I think it's really important to know what you need moving forward. So that's something I want to encourage you to think about is we're going into the new year as you're thinking about next year and your goals and how you can increase your revenue.
What do you need for your own business? It's so easy for us to think about our clients and put our clients first and their needs before our own. But as heart centered women, I just feel like that's so normal. But I think it's really important to think about your own business. What do you need support with? What do you need help with? And reach out to the people who you think could be a good fit to help you.
In my master rebranding process, I try to make the process as seamless and easy as possible, which is why I include the website design, the SEO, and a copywriter in my process. I think this is just so important and I think, You know, these three pieces are so important and they're so intertwined when you're doing a website and I just want to make the process as seamless as possible, which is why I include them and my process might be longer than some other people's. Mine's an eight to 12 week process depending on how extensive your website and brand are. But I think it's really comprehensive and it makes sure all those really important pieces are touched on and really fine tuned before you move on. So let's go into the seven ways rebranding can help you grow and scale your business.
So many of us have like big goals and ambitions for you know the new year. And I think it's so good to have big goals and stuff But I think it's also important to see like how can I you know realistically reach my goals? How can I get a good return on investment if I am investing in rebranding and so here are seven ways that rebranding can really help you exponentially grow your business and set you up to for success
So number one, you can stand out in a competitive market. This is so important. According to an online study, there are over, According to an online study, there are 2.5 million online businesses in the US alone, with more being created every single day, especially after the pandemic. Everyone went online and everyone is starting a business. Almost 30% of American business is done online. I feel like that's probably up from 30%, but to say that the online space is saturated is an understatement, it's highly competitive, there's a lot of people out there doing exactly what you're doing, and that's why it's so important to stand out online, and having a brand that's really aligned to you and your vision and your values really can help you attract your ideal clients. And so it's really important to stand out and to let your brand to the heavy lifting for you, so you don't have to work as hard. And so you just send people to your website and they really get and understand the value you provide that you solve their problems. And it just really is so helpful if you have a website that you can trust that's working for you and doing all that work for you.
Number two, a rebrand can reflect your business evolution. I think especially if you've been in business for a long time, maybe five, 10, 15 years, doing a rebrand can really help you stay current and relevant and modern and like you're keeping up with the times, like you really care about your clients, that you care about your business and how it's presented.
So I think it is a really beautiful way to reflect your business evolution, where you've come from. And I love when businesses have been around for a while, in the logo they say like established in 1995 or established in 2012, something like that. I think is a cool way to show how far and how long you've been in business and how much you care about your work and your clients.
And so getting a rebrand is a great way to reflect your business evolution. Number three, I just touched on this a little bit, but you are staying relevant in modern in a fast changing online space. I think it's so important to have a business that really reflects the professionalism that you offer, the expertise that you offer. And when you have a website that looks extremely dated, sometimes it's hard for someone to, you know, take it seriously or take your.
Sometimes it's hard for people to take that business seriously. They're like, oh, are they still doing business? Or are they still, you know, this looks so dated, I'm not sure. And so it can kind of question people sometimes if something looks super dated. But if you are staying, you know, professional, modern, you have a timeless brand that can grow with you for years and years, I think it's so, you know, it just helps you so much in the long run for sure. Number four, you have a cohesive online presence.
This is a huge one and this is what my clients often say to me in the discovery calls. They're like, I really want a cohesive online presence because if someone is hopping around, they're searching you out, they're stalking you online. This is totally normal for people. They find you on Instagram, then they go to your website and then they maybe look at another platform of yours. And if it's really mismatched and it's really not looking cohesive, I think that really can put in a little seed of distrust, they're like, wait, is this the same person? Is this the same business? If they look super mismatched or unaligned, I feel like that can be a red flag for people if they're looking to work with you. So you just wanna build as much trust as possible. And a great way to do that is to look really cohesive online. Having the same headshot on your little avatar as on your website, it doesn't have to be completely the same, but I'm just saying like, make sure you're showing your face on your Instagram and your website. Make sure people know it's you that they're working with. And even if you have an agency or something, I think it's important to know who the founder is, to know who the leader is. And so I think it's so important to have that in there, to build that trust, because a cohesive online presence in the end builds trust, which really translates into more sales.
Number five, you position your business as a solution to your ideal clients. I think this is such a big one because like we mentioned in number one, there is such a, there's so much competition out there. It's easy to almost be lost in a sea of other people out there doing what you're doing. Other coaches, other designers, other bookkeepers. And so when you are positioning your business as the solution to your ideal clients, this is such a great way to make more, this is such a great way to make more sales and to really be not just one solution but the only solution to your ideal clients. I heard that from Megan Smyth when I had her on the podcast. She mentioned that with copy. Like when you have really good copy, people see that you are not just a solution but the only solution.
And I love that so much and I think that's really important is that when you do position your business as the only solution for your clients, I mean, they're so much likely to book a discovery call, to put a deposit down and to work with you. So I think whenever you are doing a rebrand, it really helps you position your business in a way that sets you up to connect with your ideal client and book more sales.
Number six, you have brand guidelines for your team, which gives so much clarity and saves so much time. When I had Anna Rapp on the podcast, she was a past client of mine and my coach, she talked about how it helped her team so much with clarity, she said that her team would normally ask her so many questions about what colors to use, what fonts to use, but after we worked together, she said no one asked her questions anymore.
And she said it saved so much time because there wasn't all that back and forth. The team had absolute clarity. They knew what was going on. They knew what to do when they were making graphics. They knew how to make graphics, all of the things. And so that is a huge way that brand rebranding can really. So that is a huge way that rebranding can really help position you to scale is if you have all of those pieces in place, then your team won't have all those questions of like, oh, what should I do here? What should I do here? They have the brand guidelines, they have the color palette they have the fonts, they have all of the pieces in place and you feel really confident also that this is exactly how I want to show up. This is how I want people to see my business. This is how I want to be represented. And it helps you so, so much when you are looking to grow and scale, because you have that clarity. And which takes me to number seven, it increases your confidence. Whenever you have confidence in your business and in your offerings and in your website, you are so much more likely to send people there and to promote your services, promote your offerings. If you're feeling kind of like you're wavering, you're like, oh, I'm not sure. And I can definitely attest to this as I've had different things come out in the past where I've like launched a product or launched something and I just didn't feel 100% about it. I just didn't even want to market it, you know, because you don't have that confidence. And so when you do have that confidence though, you are wanting to shout it from the rooftops.
You're wanting to really get on calls with people, do sales calls, like send people to your website. So I think that is a huge, huge way that it really increases your marketing capability because you are so confident and you have the materials, the guidelines for your team so you can do more marketing. And so those are the seven ways that rebranding can really help you grow and scale and increase your revenue for sure.
Yeah, So these are the seven ways that rebranding really helps you position your business to exponentially grow because your marketing materials are cohesive, your foundations are in place, your confidence has a real boost, and you feel really creatively and strategically aligned with your brand and how you're showing up and attracting your ideal clients.
And I am so thrilled about this topic because this is what I help my clients do all the time. And I would love to share with you the three main services I have currently that I am going to be offering for the foreseeable future that I would love to share with you. So the three services I have right now are number one, the Artisan Branding is my full visual brand identity package that includes brand strategy, all the brand identity pieces like a custom logo suite, a color palette, font combinations, brand style guide, and more. The Artisan Branding is such a great way to get that brand identity that really feels like you, that helps your personality shine through, and that really attracts your ideal client.
I love this one. This is a fun one. I mean, I love all of these, honestly, but the Artisan and branding is my sweet spot because branding is what I love to do. Number two, the Website Virtuoso Experience is my website refresh package and has everything you would need to refresh your website. Custom page design, up to 10 pages, URL redirects, SEO, blog migration, goal-oriented design, launch and support, and what I've had.
What I've heard from my clients is that I help make a complicated process really simple, which is such a huge compliment to me because I do want this to be as simple and straightforward as possible so it doesn't feel hard or overwhelming. This is an overwhelming process in general, but I want it to feel as streamlined and as simple as possible.
My website package now includes designing in Squarespace and WordPress. I'm so excited to make this announcement. I've been working with a WordPress team in the last few months, and I'm so excited to have them a part of my team and just to be able to offer WordPress, because I know so many women want to start on WordPress or want to go to WordPress.
Having this capability, I think will open a lot of doors for my clients, and so I'm so excited to offer designing on Squarespace and WordPress. And number three, my signature service is the Master Rebrand Experience, and this is a combination of the Artisan branding package and the Website Virtuoso package. So it's the branding and the website combined, and it's just...
And so we start off with the branding and then we move straight into the website. It's an eight to 12 week process and it has just all of the things we talked about included and more. So there's calls throughout, we have calls throughout the process, Zoom calls and phone calls to make sure we're aligned on everything, to make sure you're really happy with how the brand and the website are shaping up. And I just love working with women who have done the DIY route and they're wanting to up level so their online presence is on par with the quality and expertise they provide for their clients because they love their clients and they just want to do the best by them and for them. And so when they have a website that really showcases that, it's so exciting because they're so much more likely to share about their services and grow their business because they have that confidence and excitement. So in a nutshell, those are my main offerings and I am so excited to be offering these for the foreseeable future. I just love these packages so much. And if you have been feeling like your web presence is ho-hum or your brand isn't really captivating your ideal clients or you just haven't been growing at the rate that you can and want to be growing, it might be time for a rebrand and I would love to help you with this. My process is streamlined, simple, and I really encourage collaboration with my clients so you can be as involved in the process as you want to be, and you can be as hands-off as you wanna be. So it's totally up to you. I've had clients who share with me their vision, and then they are pretty hands-off. They just co-sign what I do. And I've also had clients who are really in the weeds with me, going through logo details and that kind of thing. So it's really up to you how in the process you want to be. And I love that for my clients because I think it's so important that you are thrilled with what we end up with. And so that's why collaboration is a huge piece of my process and a value of mine. So I would love to invite you to this. If this is something that interests you, that sounds like this is something you've been wanting to do, I would love to invite you to a free discovery call. You can go to my website at slash contact and fill out a form to get started. And then we can set up a time to chat and see if we would be a great fit to work together. I really hope this episode was helpful and I would love to hear from you if you are wanting to connect over on Instagram. I'm at r underscore art space. And if you know of anyone who's thinking about rebranding, I would be honored if you can share this episode with them and I hope they find it so helpful.
Thank you so much for being here. I cannot tell you how cool it is to know that you've chosen this podcast to listen to out of all the other ones out there. So I just wanted to say thank you so, so much from the bottom of my heart. And I hope you have such a wonderful day and I will connect with you next week.