Brand + Website Launch for Hope Releasers
Hope Releasers offers encouragement and hope through community and prayer to the loved ones of addicts. Founded by Melanie who is a recovery coach, this business aims at helping women who are in the midst of struggling with a loved one who is an addict. When Melanie approached me about working together, honestly I was honored and humbled. I believe this mission will help so many people in the world and I was thrilled to be a part.
Melanie tried for 2 years to create the brand and website she envisioned but without getting the results she wanted. So working together not only gave her peace of mind that we could create something she would be thrilled with, but it would be the complete package, so nothing was left out with her online presence. I’m excited to show you the process of this project!
The thing that so many people get caught up in is wanting to save time and money on their online presence, so they choose to DIY. And honestly, I get it. Design seems “doable” especially if you have a vision for what you’re wanting.
But just like anything else, design looks easy but is hard to do yourself if you’re not a designer or know the rules of design.
That’s where Melanie found herself. Here’s what she said:
“Before R Artspace, I wasted thousands of dollars on many courses to create my own brand and website in the attempt to save money but only got less than par results. Frustration and discouragement are just a few "clean" words I would describe how I was feeling while the business I dreamt of laid dormant in my heart and mind. I knew I needed a guide, a professional, a saint that would take my vision and breathe it into life.”
So when she reached out I knew the Master Branding Experience would be perfect for her: everything from brand strategy, to logo, to website. So we got to work!
Some of the words used to describe Hope Releasers were: Sophisticated, Optimistic, Friendly, Trustworthy, Spiritual, Strength, Encouraging, Inspiring, Peaceful, Authentic
We started with a strong brand foundation, moved through the branding, then on to the collateral items, then ended with the website for a really seamless, cohesive updated presence.
And we delivered on those adjectives with this elevated and appealing visual brand. And Melanie agreed by saying “It looks professional and positioned to help clients. Not confusing and all over the place.”
The colors are a mix of feminine, calming, hopeful, and safe. The perfect combination for this business.
Here’s a look at the Brand Style Guide, marketing materials, and new site:

At the end of the process I asked if we accomplished her design goals and what was her favorite part of working together and here’s what she said:
“Yes and so much more! My favorite part of working together is your professional yet kind approach to teaming up. I was relieved to have such a wise and experienced guide that knew how to create a meaningful presence in the online world. A presence that would usher in women who were looking for hope. You put so much thought about my words and what I wanted to offer the world and took that to heart. You took my vision and gave it life. You were the answer to many prayers! I was amazed on how you did it so quickly! But the icing on the cake, the thing I didn't expect, was that you'd be a solid coach in my corner when I had to wrestle doubts, perfectionism, and the imposter syndrome. It was your direct and sister-like boost that helped me to own my calling and be who God called me to be. I'm sooo grateful for you!”
“My favorite part of the new branding is the colors and fonts that present a calm, inviting, soulful presence.”
This new streamlined and cohesive online presence will help reach women in need of support as they struggle with a loved one who is an addict. Hope Releasers will help women find hope when they most need it. The brand and website design conveys this sense of help, hope, peace, and security one can have in community and in God.
Here’s what Melanie said about working together:
“RuthAnn took my vision to heart and created a brand and website better than what I imagined. She went over and beyond what I expected in her creativity and responsiveness. But, the best part of having her in your corner is that she's an outstanding business "coach" that cheers you on as you fight off doubts, perfectionism, and the imposter syndrome. So, do you want a showstopping website and brand without wasting time and money learning but never going anywhere? Team up with RuthAnn! It will be your BEST investment yet!”
Working with Melanie was a true delight and honor! View the new site and learn all about Hope Releasers.