My Top 5 Tips for Growing Confidence In Your Business

Confidence plays a major role in how you do business. Confident people can easily talk about the benefits of their service, the investment to working with them and can help clients through their process with ease and certainty. 

When I started my business, confidence was the last thing I had. Oh how things have changed, it's been a long time in coming. I would love to share with you my top 5 tips for how to develop confidence in yourself so you can shine in your business.



I remember feeling embarrassed and so self-conscious telling people I was a business owner... especially since I never wanted to own my own business. My lack of confidence caused me to devalue my time, cave on my prices and almost feel apologetic for talking about my services.

Confidence is a development of, I believe, both inner and outer work. So these tips I'm going to share with you are a combination of both.

1. Understand your value

You are the expert in your field, even if you don't feel that way. You've spent time developing your craft and honing your skill. And, knowing you're doing something you love, this thing that you offer probably comes easily to you or you're "naturally" good at it. Not everyone has this ability or skill set, so underestimating your worth isn't doing you (or anyone else) any favors.

No one has spent the amount of time and dedication you have spent honing your craft. You have something special. You have studied, invested and have results from working with people.

USE those testimonials, your investments and feedback to believe how valuable you are. If you’re new with your service, perhaps you can work with people in exchange for a review, or you can do a trade with people.

2. Encourage yourself

I recently started adding in daily affirmations to my morning routine and wow, has it changed my outlook.

I tell myself that I am worthy and that it's safe for me to receive good payment in the form of money for my services. That there is an unlimited amount of money in this world and all that I desire is coming to me. As silly as these phrases sound, it truly helps me change my outlook to abundance rather than scarcity. And I'm excited to share what I do with people rather than feeling apologetic.

I'm also spending a lot more time in daily prayer and worship. Faith is a big part of my life, so adding this in has also given me more hope and confidence in where I am and where I'm going.

Doing these small practices have aligned my heart and mind to focus on positivity, abundance and assurance right when I wake up and it's been really powerful. 

This encouragement has given me a boost of excitement and confidence so I can stay focused and positive, because (especially as a side-hustler) it's easy to feel discouraged at times.

3. Look your best

Your body will instinctively adopt outward function to inward connection. What I mean by that is that if you carry yourself with your head held high, shoulders back you will start to feel more confident. The key is to get to that feeling even when you don’t feel that way.

So doing things to make you feel better is a great way to go. Here are 3 things I do:


I don’t get all dolled up for every time I work at my desk but I have found that I’m more productive and motivated when I look decent. So this means wearing actual clothes, combing my hair, and maybe putting on some eyeliner.


A huge reason I shied away from doing any type of video or Instagram stories for the longest time was because I was plagued with adult acne. NEVER fun. Nothing changed in my diet or exercise, but my acne got so bad I went to the dermatologist and did anything I could, including an antibiotic, to try to get rid of it. 

Unfortunately nothing I tried worked. It wasn’t until I used the Unblemish Regimen from Rodan and Fields, consistently for several months that I saw a dramatic improvement and I finally got the clear skin I wanted. In all transparency, I’m a consultant with Rodan and Fields which means I get an awesome discount on the products. If you want more information about this, email me at


Nothing gets your endorphins going more than moving your body. After going through a spell where I felt "off," and less energetic, and honestly uncomfortable in my clothes, I made the decision to start moving my body more consistently.

While working out 3–4 times a week has been my goal, I normally hit 2-3 times a week. Moving my body has really helped me feel more comfortable in my skin, happy and more energetic which leads to more confidence.

4. Embrace what makes you different

Confident people all have this in common, they are totally themselves and embrace it. 

This is exactly what you want to do if you intend to grow your business as well. Understand the different aspects you bring to the table and be loud and proud about it.

The more you are confidently in your zone of personality and expertise, the more you can share without second-guessing yourself.


5. Brand your business

Having a solid visual identity and presence grows your confidence just like getting a makeover at a salon. 

When you know your business is represented well with quality graphics, professional photos and modern design, you feel confident and excited to share about your business.

Having a solid brand means investing, whether it be for professional photos, or graphic design or a complete rebrand. While the investment may seem daunting at first, it pays for itself with the influx of inquiries, saving you tons of time on something that isn’t in your wheelhouse, and ability to reach the right people and your mindset will shift from timid to confident lady boss.

If you’re interested in learning, check out my services here.

Having confidence in yourself comes naturally for some, and for others, like myself, it's been a journey of discovery. But the good news is, once you have confidence it changes not only how you present your business to others but it changes how other people view your business. The more confident you are, the more people will be confident in their decision to work with you.

I hope these tips encourage you and help you grow your confidence in yourself and your business. 

Which area do you struggle the most with feeling confident in your business?

Which of these tips stood out to you the most that you need to cultivate?


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RuthAnn Rafiq

Passion for art, design, people and intentional connections.

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